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Clary woke up with a killer headache. It felt like someone was in her skull and was pounding on everything they could get their hands on, trying to get out. She groaned.She tried sitting up but soon found out that that was a bad idea. As soon as she sat up, she was hit with a sudden urge to throw up so she ran straight to the bathroom and did just that

Clary faintly registered Jace coming into the bathroom and lifting her hair up as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet.

After she was done puking, she leaned back against the wall and groaned again."I am never getting drunk again!" she exclaimed, holding her head between her hands.
Jace chuckled, "The first time's the worst."

"Stop yelling!" she said, sliding down from her sitting position so that she was lying on the bathroom floor.
Jace rolled his eyes and left the room. He came back a few seconds later with a glass of water and some aspirin.

"Here, drink this, it'll make you feel better," Jace said, speaking from experience.

"Ugh." She stuck the pills in her mouth and gulped down the water in a very un-lady like manner.

Almost immediately, she threw up, and again, Jace held her hair back.
"By the Angel, my head hurts," Clary groaned. "Come on, let's get you in the bath," he said.

Jace got the bath ready, stripped Clary down, and put her in the bath tub.After the bath, he dressed her and put her back in bed. He kissed her head and left to see if anybody else needed help.

Izzy woke up blinking her eyes open to see the sun shining which was making her headache worse.She felt a strong arm around her. She stirred as she turned around and saw Simon sleeping next to her.She smiled as she remembered what happened last night.Of course she got drunk and forced others to drink too.But when she looked at Simon all she could remember him telling her that he loves her.They had stumbled first into his room making out passionately. They continued to kiss until they felt that they needed to get some sleep.Simon wrapped his arm around Izzy as she fell asleep on his chest.All Izzy could do was smile at the memory.She wriggled out of his grasp.But he only held her tighter."Hmm where do you think you are going?" he asked her."To get something to eat" she said as he let her go."Ah! my head hurts" he whinced holding his head."It will be all right Simon" she said standing up."I'm not used to it Izzy it hurts really bad" Simon whined covering his face with a pillow.Isabelle rolled her eyes and opened the bathroom door."Boys!" She mumbled closing it.

Alec woke up to a piercing headache that went all the way from his forehead to the back of his skull. It was not his first hangover but this was without doubt a painful one. He opened his eyes with difficulty, swearing at the morning lights creeping through the window, and immediately raised a hand to keep them covered. When he managed to open only one of them, he looked around the room, relieved to realize he was in his own bed. It was also the moment he realized he had no recollection of the night before whatsoever.

He sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes and the throbbing in his head increased tenfold, making him groan in pain.He swore again.

"I can't believe I've ever heard you swear so early in the morning" Magnus said.Alec turned to him and laid back down facing Magnus."What happened last night?" He groaned.

"Well you started out with a few drinks and then you and Clary started taking shots" Magnus said."Geez....you don't have to yell for that" Alex said pulling a pillow over his head."I wasn't yelling Alexander" Magnus said rolling his eyes."I feel like dying right now" Alec mumbled into his pillow.

"You are a Shadowhunter Alexander...a hangover is nothing compared to the injuries you went through" Magnus said exhausted."True...But I can't argue with you on that point but still" Alec said peeping out of the pillow looking at Magnus."You know what darling just sleep" Magnus said.

The Shadowhunters:City Of Children....A Mortal Instruments Fanfic✅Where stories live. Discover now