Jace Goes Missing

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When they arrived back at Magnus's apartment, all of the kids were asleep. Clary sat down on the couch with Jace curled up in her lap sleeping like an angel. Izzy was passed out in Simon's arms curled into him slightly snoring. Magnus also had Alec in his arms, and said he was going to put Alec to sleep in his room.

When Magnus got to his room he put his tiny Alec down and wrapped him up in covers after taking off his jacket and shoes. Magnus was about to walk out of the room to let Alec sleep but then just like he called his name before when he wanted to be carried, he called him back. Magnus sat of the side of the bed and looked at Alec.

Alec stood up on the bed and walked over to Magnus and put his arms around his neck and whispered a "thank you" before pressing a kiss to Magnus's cheek. Magnus hugged Alec back before setting him down back to bed.

Simon stood up with sleeping Izzy in his arms after Magnus came back out of his room. He placed Izzy on the bed next to her brother after taking off her shoes. He lightly stoked her hair before leaving the room.

Outside Clary was talking to Magnus with Jace in her lap, stroking his hair as he slept. Magnus then spoke up. "They are cute aren't they?" Clary looked up and smiled at him.

"They are cute, mostly because they haven't yet really learned about the dangers this world holds. They're peaceful without a care in the world and it's good to see them like this." Magnus nodded in agreement. "But even though they're adorable, we need them back soon. Hopefully Catarina will have some information that could be helpful. We'll see tomorrow." Clary stood up with Jace and walked towards to bedroom when Simon walked out. She put Jace down to sleep before joining the boys in the other room.

Clary awoke with Magnus shaking her from her spot on the couch. "Clary! Wake up!" Clary sits up unwillingly and shrugs off Magnus's hands on her shoulders.

"What do you want?" Clary says says her temper quickly becoming as red as her hair. "What could you want at this time?" Now clary could see Magnus more clearly with the side light on, she could see that Magnus was clearly shaken, and had a frightful look on his face.

"Clary…" It was now almost a whisper. "Jace is missing." Clary jumped off the couch and raced towards Magnus's bedroom. She saw exactly what she expected to see. A sound asleep Alec and Izzy huddled together on the right side of Magnus's bed, and a indent towards the left where Jace should be. Clary raced back out of the room and noticed something she missed before… the front door of Magnus's apartment wide open as if someone had forget to close it when they left.

Clary had grabbed her shadowhunter gear and ran to the washroom to get changed in a flash. The first thing that came to her mind that Jace, her Jace, had been snatched by a demon. And Clary was willing to do anything to get him back. Clary once having her gear on grabbed two seraph blades, her steele, and a dagger tucked into each of her boots. Clary quickly came back into the living area in Magnus's apartment to find that Simon was awake now too. "I'm going after Jace." Clary said receiving two quick nods.

"Clary, do you have anything of Jace's, or that once was Jace's? I'm going to try a tracking spell." Clary had thought for a moment and reached into the pocket of her coat and revealed a small quartz rock. She handed this to Magnus before running out of the Institute. "Keep your phone on you!" Is the last thing Clary heard Magnus yell before he was out of earshot.

Clary had no idea where to look for Jace. He couldn't have gone too far, could he? Clary thought. Clary was getting very nervous, she had lost Jace. She had lost her four year old boyfriend because she hadn't bolted the door shut. Magnus had spells preventing anyone or anything from getting but they hadn't prevented anyone from getting out.

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