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//Sabrinas POV//
Planning out my outfit for meeting up with Corey was tricky. I wanted to wear something fancy and pretty, but at the same time, Cor probably doesn't think of this as a 'date'...and just as 2 friends chillin at Starbucks. So I put on some ripped jeans and my 'smoke and fire' merch shirt, and tried to make it work. I grabbed my phone from my desk and shoved it in my purse along with my wallet, and walked outta my room. I left a note on the fridge saying I went out to see Cor, and walked out the front door. I walked to the nearest Starbucks. Before entering, I saw Coreys car parked outside. I quickly walk in, and see Corey sitting near the back of the place, right leg on top of the left, on his phone. He was wearing some black jeans, and a tee that looks like something Farkle would wear. I walk towards him, and just as I come near, he lifts his head. Once he sees me, a smile slowly appears on his face. Just as he shuts his phone off he says "Hey Sab! Here take a seat." And he gestures to the seat in front of him. "Hey Cor." I said as I take my seat. As soon as I sit down Corey lightly touches my left arm with his right and with a gentle tone in his voice and a small smile, he asks, "Would you like me to get you something or?" He is so freaking cute. I laugh and look down. I can hear Corey laughing too. "I'm fine, thank you." I look up, my eyes crashing into his. He had a smirk on his face, staring deeply into my eyes. I apparently had a smile on my face. It was a beautiful moment. I broke it though by saying, "Corey, I have something important to tell you." His smile slowly fades. "What is it?"
I felt like I was about to throw up. He looked so concerned. But I didn't wanna tell him so all I said was, " I asked to meet up because I have been thinking about...well...us." I paused. I saw him back up a tiny bit and make both his hands into light fists. "I see..." He sighed. He took in a deep breath and then he said, "I wanna tell you something too." We stared deeply in each others eyes before I told him, "how bout we both say what we want to on 3." "Deal." He said, as he took in another deep breath as we said, "1, 2, 3. I love you." Both our eyes widened. A smile slowly began forming on both of our faces. Cor spoke first. "I am so happy you feel the same way because I have been wanting to tell you this for quite some time but-" "I was scared you didn't feel the same way!" I finished his sentence. We both started laughing. "Well now that we know our feelings, I feel more comfortable saying this. Sab...?" He had these puppy dog eyes that I was in love with. "Cor?" "Will you go out with me?" God it felt so right to hear him say that. I said, "yes Corey I will go out with you." before biting my bottom lip with a smile. He smiled so big I saw his top row of teeth. I was in love. He grabbed my hand and said "Great!! Lets go!!" We ran outta Starbucks and into his car. He started it up and said, "Buckle up." I smiled and laughed a bit, "Corey, where are we going?" he was apparently very excited, because we were already on the road. He smiled at the road than he turned his head to look at me. "Somewhere I have wanted to take you for quite some time now." He looked back at the road, still smiling. I stared at him for a bit with a smile on my face before I turned to look at the road as well. 'Sabrina Ann Lynn Fogelmanis.' I thought. 'I like that.'

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