t w e n t y - f i v e

521 14 2

//Coreys POV//

Her hospital room had a bay window.

It wasn't planned, just our luck to have a bay window in her room.

So that's where I slept that night.

In the bay window.

It was comfortable but I couldn't sleep.

I just stared at Sabrina, and prayed all night that she'd wake up soon.


The next morning, Rowan called me.

They still didn't know that Sabrina was hit, so I told her.

She started crying on the spot when I told her, and she said she'd be right over.

While I waited for Row and Peyton to show, I watched as they brought breakfast into our room.

"She's unconscious. She can't eat."

I told the women bringing the food in.

"I'm aware." She said, still bringing in tray. She placed it down on the table next to me.

"But then what are you gonna eat?" She smiled.

I smiled. "Thank you."

She nodded. "Anytime. You must be a very good boyfriend to be waiting for her here all night."

Still smiling, I turned my head and looked at Sabrina.

"Well she deserves it."

She walked out still smiling. I looked at the meal.

Eggos with syrup, a milk carton, and an orange.

I ate away, as I didn't eat enough last night.

I was halfway through my second waffle when I thought I heard Sabrina groan.

I got up to see her.

"Sab...please wake up."


"I'm really really scared."


"And I miss you like crazy."

Still nothing.

I bent over and lightly stroked my hand over her forehead pulling any hair away from her face.

Leaving my hand on top of her head, I gently kissed her forehead. 

I turned around to finish my food when I heard "your lips are so sticky."

I spun around so fast I almost fell over. 

Sabrina was alive!!

She was okay!!

And she was staring at me with her big beautiful blue eyes.

I ran over next to the bed and held both her hands.

"You're alive."

She looked at me confused.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

I let go of her hands.


She still had the oxygen tank attached to her face.

"Who are you?"

I couldn't believe it.

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