s i x t e e n

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//Sabrinas POV//

I wake up to someone knocking on the door.

Corey was still sleeping, and and I didn't want to wake him, so I got out of bed and walked towards the door. 

Before I could grab the handle or even peek through the peep hole, I chickened out because of all of the recent "clown sighting" junk.

But Corey wasn't scared of clowns so it would be better if he went and opened the door.

I ran towards the bed and and jump ontop of him.

It reminded me alot of a scene I did with Rowan in GM Jexica.

Just as I did, I heard that I knocked the breath out of him.

He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Well thats a way to wake a boyfriend."

I looked at the door then at him. I opened my mouth to say someone was at the door, but the door knocked again and Cor got the memo.

He looked at the door then at me. He pointed at the door.

"Who is that?"

I shrugged and got off of him.

Just as I got off, Corey got up and walked to the door.

He was still in his Rubber Duck onesie, and was gonna answer the door in it.

I started to laugh, but thankfully he didn't hear.

He rubbed his eyes then looked through the peephole.

He looked at me with a 'seriously?' facial expression.

"Its room service." He said.


He went and opened the door, and apparently the lady standing there liked what she saw.

She stared at him up and down with this look that I didn't like.

This look that was like, 'hey i don't know you but I love you' and that look made me angry.

"Please sign here sir." She handed him the clipboard with a smile.

I got up and stood next to Corey.

I smiled and held his hand. "Whats this babe?"

He looked at me and smiled.


The lady frowned once she saw me.

She didn't like the idea that Corey was taken.

Corey handed her the clipboard and smiled.

As he let go, he said "thank you."

She smiled back at him, but when Corey wasn't looking she looked at me and rolled her eyes.

It was actually quite funny.

She walked away and Corey pulled breakfast into the room, and took it to the table next to the tv.

I closed the door and walked towards him.

"How did you order? You don't know what I like."

Corey made a fake gasp.

He put his right hand on the tin cover and his left behind his back.

"So you're telling me that you're favorite breakfast meal is not"

He lifted the tin cover

"French toast with extra cinnamon?"

I looked up at him. He was smiling.

"Well played. Very well played."

"Why thank you madam."

He gestured his hand to sit down.

Just as I did, he did as well.

He uncovered his own food and smiled adorably at what he saw.

I looked him then his food. "Waffles?"

He had a thing for waffles.

I swear he was just like Eleven from Stranger Things.

He also loved that show.

He shrugged.

I smiled, then pointed to that last tin plate.

"Whats that?"

He put his hand on it.

"Well, no breakfast is complete without"

He uncovered it. Both of us said "Bacon." at the same time.

We started laughing.

He grabbed a piece of bacon and bit it.

He started to chew it while he poured maple syrup onto his waffles.

I started to cut this huge, thick piece of the french toast that looked so delicious.

After like 20 seconds of trying to cut it, I stabbed my knife and fork into the giant thing and said "I give up!"

I looked at Corey who was already quarter way through his first huge waffle.

He was staring at my plate and at me, back and forth.

He was holding his fork in one hand and knife in the other.

He had one cheek full of waffle, syrup on his lips and a napkin in his onesie.

I wanted to take a picture and set it as my wallpaper, it was so freaking cute.

I smiled at the sight I saw, and sat back in my chair.

"Help me please."

He chewed his waffle and smiled.

He put his silverware down and pulled my plate towards him.

He cut my toast without making a sound, just chewing his waffle.

As he finished cutting my toast, he pushed my plate back infront of me.

He swallowed his waffle and grabbed a piece of bacon and chewed it.

I grabbed my fork. "Thanks."

He smiled and looked down at his waffle. They were actually really big waffles.

"No prob babe." He looked up and smiled, cheeks stuffed once more.

I shoved some French toast in my mouth and smiled.

We both started laughing, with our mouths stuffed.

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