t h i r t e e n

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//Sabrinas POV//

At first, there was tall yellow grass and prairies out my window.

But now it was mainly bodies of water, and trimmed green grass, with mountains in the background.

Still driving, Corey asked me "Whatcha wanna see first? The hotel or a beach or what? Its up to you."

I could barely sit still.

I was so happy.

I have always had dreams of coming here with the boy of my dreams.

Little did I know it'd be Corey!!

But he made this whole trip WAY better.

Come to think of it, he made this whole trip anyways!

I looked at him with a huge grin across my face. He could probably see all of my teeth.

"I just wanna walk down the sidewalk and see where the Earth takes us. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

He was looking at the road, but he was smiling so huge.

"That is the best reply i have ever heard Sabrina."

I squeezed his hand. He squeezed back, and just as he did he parked the car, looked me in my eyes and said, "We have arrived."

I laughed while still staring at his eyes.


He started laughing and i laughed harder. I got out of the car, shut the door and breathed in through my nose.

I exhaled through my mouth.

That beautiful Vancouver air is what i lived for. But i also lived for Corey.

I looked around me to see where he was but he wasn't there. 

Corey was still in the car.

I went to all the windows of the car to try to see what he was up to.

He had covered all of the windows so I couldn't see nothing.

I opened the one of the doors.

Corey was changing outfits.

"Oh...sorry there Cor..."

he was wearing his pants and everything but no shirt. i felt the blood flush up to my face. 

He laughed, "at least you didn't come in 30 seconds ago."

I chuckled, embarrassed.  I was probably as red at a tomato.

He got out of the car out of the same door i had opened.

He stood so close infront of me. I hugged his chest.

"Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for this Corey."

He hugged me back. "Anytime."

I let go of him and gave him his shirt from inside the car.

He took it and smirked at me.

"Thanks. Do you wanna change? A 20 hour car ride can make you sweat..."

i looked in the car, then at him.

"I think I'll change."

"Knew you'd say that."

He slipped his shirt on. It literally took him 3 seconds.

"You get in the car and take your clothes off and put them in that bag."

He pointed to a bag inside the car.

"Which outfit ya want?"

I didn't know what I wanted to wear. So i went with the easy answer.

"Surprise me."

The idea of him choosing my outfit seemed to excite him.


He jumped up then ran to the back of the car.

I chuckled while shaking my head, then got in the car.

Whatta cutie.


I got changed then got outta the car.

He was sitting on his phone, on the cars hood.

I shut the car door then went up and sat next to him.

I kissed his left shoulder, then leaned my head onto his. He kissed my forehead.

"Whatcha doing Cor?"

He was texting someone. Peyton someone. Why was he texting Pey? I mean...i love Pey and everything but why?

"Oh, well before I admitted any of my feelings i had for you to you, i talked to Pey about em."

That was really shocking.


"Yep. Peytons my best guy friend."

"Best guy friend?"

"Yep, and Rowans my best friend."

"Oh she is?"

"Yep. And you are THE BEST girlfriend. The love of my life. My wife."

I looked at him and smiled.

That was actually so adorable.

There were always moments where i felt like more of a peybrina then corbrina, but now I'm a FULL corbrina shipper.

Still smiling, i said "What are ya texting him right NOW though, cutie?"

He handed me his phone to see. This was the convo from today;

C-Hey man

P-Howdy Mr Sabrina

C-That actually doesn't sound half bad...

P-Of course it doesn't!! It has her name in it!!

C-Hahaha so whatcha up to?

P-Well i was searching for plane tickets so I could maybe possibly come visit you guys...

C-Dude really??

P-If you want it to be just be you and her i get it.

C-No man come!! It'll be so much fun do it!

P-You think Sabrina won't mind?

C-Not as long as you bring Row with you

P-I don't think Rows mom wants me taking her on a trip, just me and her

C-Why not? You're a really good guy man

P-How long are you two staying there?

C-I think minimum a week

P-ok so i think I'll see if row and come and then I'll get back to you

I replied for Corey.

C-k see you

Pey replied immediately.

P-later man

I handed Corey his phone back with a smile.

"You and Pey are so cute."

He started laughing but seemed shocked at the same time.

"Excuse me???"

We both burst out laughing until we fell of of the hood of the car and were holding our stomachs.

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