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//Sabrinas POV//
We were laughing for about 10 minutes before we started walking.
We had no where in specific to go, we just walked and walked. Talked and talked. I mean, all we have is love, right?

//Peytons POV//

While Corey and Sabrina were in Vancouver, I was busy trying to find a way to get Rowan to go there with me.

I mean, I have a pretty good reputation with Row's parents, but a 18 year old asking a 15 year old to come on a trip is kinda outta the normal zone.

And I do love Rowan, just not in a romantic way.

I dressed up in a nice blue button up shirt and drove over to her house.

Her mom answered the door.

"Why hello Peyton!"

She was just as cheerful as Rowan and I loved it.

I smiled and said, "Hi Mrs Blanchard. May I come in?"

"Of course" she said.

I walked in and she gestured up the stairs.

"Rowans in her room."

I took my shoes off and walked in.

"Actually I have to ask you both something. That's kinda why I'm here."

She looked at me confused, but she called Rowan downstairs anyway.

Rowan came down holding her phone. "Pey?" She smiled and ran down the stairs.

I smiled when I saw her.

She jumped before getting to the bottom of the stairs and landed in my arms and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Hey Row." I put her down. "I need to talk to you."

I watched as her smile slowly decreased. "Well...ok you wanna come-"

"I need to talk to you and your mother."

She looked at her mom.


I gestured to her living room.

I sat Row and her mother down on their couches.

They looked really scared of what I was about to tell them.

I smile, "You don't need to be so afraid, it's nothing bad."

Rowan looked at her mother, then back at me "Just tell us what it is Pey!!!"

I chuckled under my breath.

"All it is is that Corey and Sabrina are in Vancouver. And...they asked me to come and meet them there. But I can't go without Row. 1 because we'd miss her, 2 because people would suspect corbrina and peybrina stuff if its just the three of us. With Row there, they'll just think the Girl Meets World gang are chillin in Canada."

Row became super excited, and was staring at her mom with hopeful puppy dog eyes.

Her mother didn't seem convinced.

"Peyton, I love you and you are very responsible, but are you sure that a 15 year old and a 18 year old traveling by themselves by plane is a good idea? I mean, I trust you. Its just..." she trailed off.

I understood what she was trying to say.

"I understand ma'am. But I am 18. I'm legally an adult now. And Row is really obedient and listens the first time which should take away some of your fear. Not to mention that us being well known figures, we travel a lot anyways."

Me and Row looked at her with hopeful puppy eyes once more.

She stared at Rowan with this look for about 10 seconds, and then  said, "Okay okay fine. Go pack baby while I talk to Peyton."

Rowan jumped up punching her fists in the air. "YYESSSS" she exclaimed.

She hugged her mother and then me.

I personally felt like she hugged me for longer.

She let go and ran up the stairs almost tripping. Whatta dork. While Rowan packed, her mother told me all the details.

For everything.

Her sleep details, her eating schedules and that she'd give me some money to take care of Rowan with.

We would take off in 3 days, so I was to come and pick Rowan up in 3 days to take off.

As I started to head out the door, Rowan's mom touched my arm. I turned around.

"Thank you Peyton. Thank you for taking care if my baby."

I smiled. "Thank you for letting me."

She smiled back at me as I headed out the door.

a/n-SO sorry this chapter is all reyton.  but i managed to make it all one chapter so you wont read much of it.  corbrina coming up! how do u like this book so far??

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