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//Coreys POV//

It takes 20 hours to drive from Los Angeles to where we were going, and I was the driver for it all. Sab may be older, but she doesn't like driving. It makes her feel like she's growing up too fast. Plus if it's my idea to take her there I have to do the work.

My eyes nearly fell asleep on the road, so I checked into a hotel in San Jose, meaning we were 5 hours in on our 20 hour road trip.

I get the room number, and grab the card. I go to the car and pick up Sabrina. I walk over to our room and swipe the card. The door unlocks first try and we get in. I tuck in Sab and jump into my bed with my clothes. It was 2am, and I was exhausted. I instantly fell asleep.

//Sabrinas POV//

I woke up to be in a room I honestly didn't recognize at all.

I was in my clothes from last night, only now I was in a completely different building, and Corey was asleep in the bed next to me, in clothes that obviously weren't his PJs.

I lift my head and look around. It was 9:30 am, according to the clock on the nightstand between me and Corey's beds.

No suitcases or extra change of clothes ANYWHERE.

I was starting to panic. I grabbed my bear and squeezed him tight. I then jump over onto Coreys bed and get under the covers next to him. I wrap my arms around his body and snuggle into his chest.

I quietly whisper, "Cor?"

No response. I looked up at him. "Cor?"

No response. I shook him a bit. "Corey??"

His eyes slowly flutter open as he wraps his right arm around my body, with his hand on my shoulder.

"Well good morning to you too miss." He smiled. I didn't.

"Corey where are we??" I said in a serious tone sitting upright.

He rubbed both his eyes with one arm. "Well, I believe we are in San Jose. About 5 hours from LA."

He looked over at me with normal face. His hair was so messy, it made him look so hot. I tried to stay focused.

"How are we here?? Where are my clothes??" I wasn't mad, I just wanted an explanation.

"Me and you are going on a little road trip, and you have an extra change of clothes in the car. I can go get them if you want." he said, shrugging his right shoulder lifting his hand up with it. After he said that, he gave me a little baby smile. It was so cute.

"But why?"

"Well..." He took in a deep breath with his nose. "I wanna take you somewhere. Somewhere I think you'll love."

I smirked at him. "Have I been there before??"

His smile grew. "Yes you have. Now I'm going to go get both our suitcases before you start guessing anything else."

He gets up and walks to the door. While grabbing the handle with one hand, he put his right pointer finger over his lips and whispered, "its a secret." He than left the room and shut the door.

I bite my lip. I'm the luckiest girl alive.

His Ocean Eyes - CorbrinaWhere stories live. Discover now