t h i r t y - f i v e

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//Sabrinas POV//

We moved in.

We actually moved in. 

I could not believe it.

My mom let us take the old house and use it as our own.

Both of our parents provided us with money so that we wouldn't be in debt.

We bought the furniture we liked and within a years time, we were in the house that the both of us loved.

So after the house got done, we both decided to celebrate with some ice cream.

We went to my favorite place on Earth, where all the staff knew me since I was little.

But now both me and Cor were 18, so we weren't as small as they may still see us as.

We ordered our picks and we went and sat in a booth.

Corey took chocolate (as always) and I took a strawberry.

Once we sat down, Corey looked at me and smiled.

I was sitting in front of him.

Taking a spoonful of strawberry and putting it in my mouth, I gave him a confused look.


He laughed.

"I'm positive that by the end of today you will have a very different approach to life."

He paused.

"In a good way."

Still looking at him with complete confusion, I stuck my spoon in my cream.

"I don't get you, Cor."

He just smiled and took in another spoonful of chocolate.

I slowly felt a smile form on my face, but not a big one.

He just laughed causing me to chuckle a bit.


He looked up at me with his charming smile causing butterflies to start fluttering in my stomach. Unusual, but I ignored them.

"Explain yourself please..."

He licked his lips causing me to look down at them.

"Sabs, what are your goals in life?"

The butterflies seemed to multiply by the minute and I didn't know why.

"Um... well, I want to have a good marriage, have kids, make more music, hopefully act more and stay with you through all of it."

He maintained all eye contact which caused my butterflies to suddenly come to a complete stop.  As if they just died or something.

"I can make all of what you just said possible, right now."

I smiled with confusion.

"How? Cor the only way you could do that is if you..."

I trailed off.

Corey started to reach his hand into his pocket.

My eyes widened and my hands covered my mouth as he pulled out a little box.


My words were muffled from my hands in the way.

He got out of the booth, and scooted next to me in my side.

"Sabrina Ann Lynn Carpenter..."

He was shaking. I was too.

I was also mixing up laughing and crying, so I sounded like I was going to die.

"...would you do me the greatest honor of becoming..."

He paused and opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"my wife?"

I swung my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

He hugged me back with the hand that wasn't holding the box and dug his face into my shirt.

Still holding his neck, I backed up and kissed him.

It was a normal kiss, that wasn't hard and didn't last too long.

But long enough for me to feel his lips smile during the kiss.

My hands were now on the sides of his head, on top of his ears.

"There will never be a point of time in my life of which I do not want to be considered your wife Corey Shain Fogelmanis."

He smiled so big I saw all his teeth, and couldn't see his pupils.

It was precious.

I smiled back, biting my bottom lip.

I went in and hugged him.

He hugged me back.

"I love you baby."

I told him in the hug.

"I love you wifey."

He replied back.


We walked back to our house holding hands.

I was wearing the ring he had gotten me, so we were officially engaged.

We stood in front of our house and we both stared at it.

"You ready for this?"

He told me, looking at the house.

I looked at him with a smile.

"For the rest of my life, so long as its with you."

He smiled, then looked over at me.

With his



ocean eyes.

the end

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