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//Sabrinas POV//

I fell asleep in Corey's arms, and I woke up that way too.

But it wasn't a peaceful wake up.

It was more of a 'someone is trying to knock the door down cause they wont stop knocking' kind of wake up.

I shook Corey awake. His eyes slowly opened.


He looked down at me and smiled. I gave him a gentle smile as I replied with;

"We should tell that to the people trying to knock our door down."

He looked up at the door, then back down at me.

Once his eyes were perfectly aligned with mine he gave me an adorable smile.

He ran his fingers through his hair as he got up off the bed.

With his hot messy hair he opened the door.

Still smiling, he looked straight at a tall figure, then another figure beside.

"Come on in guys."

He told them as he gestured into the room.

I heard this voice saying "Nice hair." With a hand ruffling through Cor's hair before I really knew what was happening.

I recognized that voice, I'd know it anywhere.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards the door.


She looked at me with the cutest Rowboat smile ever.


I hugged her and she hugged me.

I loved Row so much. She was my best friend.

I then look up while still hugging Row.

Trying to act like I didn't know anything, I gave Pey a little wave.

He smiled then waved back.

Peyton then looks at me with his charming smile and says;

"Hello Sabranation."

I walked over and hugged him.

"Hello Pey Pey Meyer."

He lightly chuckled.

I let go of him and look over at Cor.

He was smiling a fake smile. I felt bad, but tried not to show it.

I exhaled and opened my eyes big, causing my eyebrows to go up.

They all exchanged looks and laughed a little before looking back at me.

I looked at them and tilted my head, confused.


Corey looked at Row then back at me, with a real smile.

"This was all arranged for you."

//Coreys POV//

Her eyes lit up when I said that.

Her head straightened and she gave me the biggest Sabrina smile.

You know...the one where her cheekbones smile so huge you cant see her eyes.

That's personally my favorite Sabrina.

After she gave us an adorable little giggle, she said;

"Why? Why are you doing ALL OF THIS for me??"

When she said 'all of this' she stretched out her arms as far as they could go.

She looked absolutely precious.

Row looked at me then at Sab.

"Well we have to congratulate you someway!"

Sabrinas head tilted again.

"Why would you congratulate me?"

Me, Row and Peyton all said "EVOLUTION!!" At the same time.

Peyton said a small "oh my goodness." and me and Row exchanged looks then started laughing.

Sabrina clapped her hands once. "Well, you guys really should start settling in."

Peyton looked at her then at the bags next to him. "Yea." He then looked at Row. "Of course."

And then he looked back up at Sab and winked.

Once he did, he grabbed the bags and took it to their room.

I shut the door.

"He winked at you."

She sat on the bed.

"And you and Row wouldn't stop staring at each other."

"Me and Row are just friends."

"So are me and Pey." 

//Sabrinas POV//

He turned his head and stared out the window.

I could tell he was annoyed.

Not by me though.

By these little arguments that kept coming back.


I stood up and hugged him.

He hugged me back.

I looked up and him with my hands on his shoulders, and his around my waist.

"No one loves you more than I do."

He gave me his adorable smirk.

"And not one person can love anyone on this planet, as much as I love you."

My hands moved up from his shoulders to the back of his neck, his hair between my fingers.

I lightly kissed him.

I watched his lips curve into a smile, making me smile back.

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