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//Coreys POV//
I had everything planned out. I went out with her the whole day at an amusement park, and kept asking her creepy questions that I needed to know. Like 'whats your bedtime?' and 'at what time are you usually asleep by?' and 'do you wear what your mom chooses out for you?' And all that stuff. When I got those answers, I went ahead and called Sabs mom. She was in on this, she thought it was sweet and adorable. Whatever, all that mattered is what Sab thought. I asked Sabrinas mom to pack her a bag for a week. Her mom said she was on it and started packing. In the mean time, I started doing some research. I packed up my car and just as I was about to drive out of my driveway, I get out of my car and go inside my house. 

My mom was in the kitchen.  I went over to her and hugged her from the back.  She realized it was me, and turned around and hugged me, with one of her hands behind my head.   "Oh Corey baby..." she said quietly.  "I'm gonna miss my baby boy." I smiled into her shoulder.  "I'm gonna miss you too, momma." I was starting to tear up, so I snuggled my eyes into her shirt.  She kissed my neck, then patted my hair down with the same hand that was on the back of my head.  She then put both of her hands on the sides of my neck to look me straight in the eyes.  "Take care of yourself, baby.  Take very good care of yourself. But you also have to know that you are also responsible for another person now, so take very good care of her too. Both of you have fun alright?" I bit my bottom lip and put one of my hands over one of my moms hands, that were now on my cheeks. "I will, momma.  I promise." She goes in for one last hug.  "I love you mommy." she squeezed me tighter.  "I love you baby."  We stood there for like 2 more seconds before she let me go and walked me back towards the door.  As I passed the living room, I saw Baylee on her phone and my dad watching tv.  "Bye Baylee, Bye Dad." Baylee immediately spun her head around, dropped her phone, and ran over to me. When she reached me, she crashed into a hug.  "see ya later minkus." she said.  I just squeezed her tight.  I then let go after a few seconds to look over at my dad, who had just stood up.  "Take good care of the two of you Corey.  You are the man of that relationship, don't let anything bad happen."  I slowly walked over to him. "yea, well...I learned how to be a man from the best man I know." I gestured to him and he smiled.  He walked over to me and gave me a big hug.  "love you Cor." I patted his back "love ya dad." we pulled apart and I looked at my whole family.  "See you guys later." I kissed my mom on the cheek and walked out the door.  I sat in my car and shut the door, placing my hands on the steering wheel.  I let out a big exhale.  "here goes nothing." I tell myself as I back out of my own driveway, and out onto the street.

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