t h i r t y - t h r e e

472 13 1

//Sabrinas POV//

Believe me, it is extremely hard to get your boyfriend to drive you somewhere, when he doesn't know where to go.

So I had to really think through every step of how to follow through with a successful plan.

So I tried to set up a GPS on my phone, but Siri obviously hates me.

I had it set up and everything, and when we got settled in the car, I hit enter.

"Calculating route to Pennsylvania."

I literally had one of those moments on GM Bear.

You know, where me and Ben flipped out on the couch.

Yea, that happened right in the car.

And I shut my phone and slammed it in the cup holder.

I slumped into my chair and crossed my arms.

I then looked at Corey, who still hadn't driven out.

He was looking at me shocked.

I could also see him slightly smirking, and it was so cute that I couldn't not smile back.

I bit my lip and turned my head to look out the window.

Once I was facing the window I let out a huge smile that I was holding back from him.

He could obviously tell what I was doing, because he chuckled his adorable chuckle and said "you are too cute sab." And he pulled out of the parking spot.

He knew that'd just make me smile more, so I looked back at him and smiled.

I saw him quickly glance over to see me smiling at him, and he immediately smiled bigger.

He grabbed my hand with one of his and squeezed it tight.

"Oh how much I love you."

I lifted his hand and kissed his thumb.

"I love you more."

He looked back at me for a second and said with a smirk, "I very highly doubt it."

I bit my tongue with a smile, and just as I did, Corey pulled over in a gas station.

He lowered his window, took his keys out and then he got out.

He shut the door and put in the gas fillier upper.

He than came and placed his hands on the cars door frame, and winked at me, as if he was some model.

But being completely honest... I do believe Corey is a model.

He looks so good sharp dressed and his messy hair and 'idc what im wearing' look just makes me wanna squeeze him.

Obviously, society seems to think so too. Corey always has photo shoots. 
But I guess he took a break for this trip.  Either that or he is blowing them off, which truly would be a shame. He looks so good on magazine covers.  

I leaned over so that he could see me clearly through his window. 

"If you maxed your card out, how are you supposed to pay for gas?"

He looked over at the 'filler upper' , then back to me.

"First off it doesn't take $300 to get gas and second, I had my parents refill my card."

I looked at him confused.

"So how much is in it now?"

He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"That info doesn't affect you, princess. Your job is to have a good time."

And with that, he walked over to the back of the car, took out the filler upper, and went and paid for the gas.

I sat back straight in my seat. 

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