t h i r t y

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continuing from last chapter...

//Coreys POV//

I was frozen.

I couldn't move.

How does someone reply to that?



"Did you hear what I said?"

I just stared at her.

She let go of our hug, and I didn't stop her. 

Mainly because I still couldn't move.  

She sat in front of me.

All of our tears had dried out, and now Sabrina was just angry and sad at the same time.

"Corey just tell me what did I do?? In that blur era of my life, what did I do that I feel so bad about?? How bad was it?? It's not like I got a new boyfriend or anything..." 

I shut my eyes tight and gulped right when she said that.

Only, I guess I didn't mean to do it so obvious.

I didn't think she would get the memo, but she sure as hell did.

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"Sabs look I love you to death, and nothing could ever change that. Lets just leave it unsaid...I promise you it's for the better."

She sat there frozen. "Okay."

I put my arms around her and hugged her tight.

"I trust you." She said.

"I love you." I said.

And with that, our food arrived.

Sabrina smelt it and you could see the hearts appear in her eyes when she saw the chocolate soufflé.

She got up and grabbed the spoon.

She stuck it into the dessert, and lifted the spoon up to her mouth.

I pulled my phone out and took a photo.

Just as I did, my phone died.

As I got up to plug it in, Sab asked "what was that for?"

I sat down next to her.

"Hey, it ain't my fault you look precious." I lifted my hands like 'i surrender' and she giggled her adorable giggle.

I smiled.

She went again to try to eat the soufflé, but I stopped her by picking it out of her hands and putting it back down.

She looked at me offended. "Excuse you."

I put a piece of bacon in my mouth and a piece in her mouth.

I pointed to it and said "eat" and she went and ate her bacon and eggs.

Once she was done, I gave her permission to eat her soufflé.

She didn't hesitate and started eating her dessert.

She ate like a quarter of it, and then looked at me, and fed me some.

It was actually really good.

So she fed me some, and she ate some and the chocolate was all gone in just a few minutes.

Well...gone from the plate.

There was some on her face, which looked so cute.

"Hang on..."

His Ocean Eyes - CorbrinaWhere stories live. Discover now