n i n e

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//Coreys POV//

I drove over to her place. I knocked the door and her mom answered. She smiled at me, and nodded her head. I went upstairs to Sabrina's room, and slowly and carefully open her room door. She was sleeping in her bed like an absolute angel, with her blanket wrapped around the lower half of her body.  She was sleeping on her right side, and was hugging a teddy bear tightly with one arm.  The other arm was was bent so that her head was resting on top of her ear.  I pulled out my phone and took a picture, because if I couldn't obsess over that scenery out loud then...I'd have to later.
I then walk up to the right side of her bed, and slowly put my left arm along the back of her shoulders, and my right arm under her knees. I picked her up, and just as I did, she sighed and snuggled into my chest. I may be skinny, but I was still stronger than I looked. Once she had adjusted herself to be comfortable in my arms, I smiled and slowly walked down the stairs, and just as I got to the front door, Mrs. Carpenter covered Sabrina's upper body with the blanket and kissed her forehead, petting the top of her head ever so lightly so her hair was out of her face.  "Take care of her Corey." She whispered with a smile and light tears. I could relate, I feel the same way when I'm away from my baby girl for too long. I nod and smile, "I wont disappoint you ma'am. I love her too much to let anything ever happen to her." We both look at her. As I walked out the door, she lightly patted my back. I unlocked the car and open the door to the back seats with my right leg. I carefully place her in my car across the back three seats and adjust the blanket so she'd stay asleep.  I then skimmed the skin of her forehead with my hand before laying a kiss upon it, and slowly backing up and out of the car.  I gently close the door, being sure not to make a noise. I open the drivers seat door and slowly get in. Her mother gives me one last wave before I start the car. I wave back, and slowly drive out of their driveway. It was 9:55pm, I had a long drive ahead of me.

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