f i f t e e n

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//Sabrinas POV//

We walked and walked.

We didn't have a destination, we didn't have a certain schedule that we followed.

We just walked.

We talked about the sights we saw, and how we both felt.

Running along the sidewalk of the beach, going to check out Stanley Park, and holding his hand through every second of it.

It was beautiful.

There wasn't a single second where I wasn't smiling.

As the sun began to set, we sat at the beach.

All of our luggage and clothes were probably kilometers away, but that was all okay.

We got to the beach, kicked off our shoes and socks and sat in the sand.

We didn't care if our clothes got dirty, but we were sitting a distance from the water.

We were still holding hands while sitting down.

There was a long silence.

Corey broke it by exhaling and falling backwards onto the sand.

I laughed a bit. So did he.

I stared at him. He was staring up at the pitch black sky.

The only light was the street lights, and I could see a bit of the light posts reflection in his eyes.

He was smiling. "Today was epic." He then looked at me, still smiling. I was too.

"I like spending the day with no plan, and just walking to the end of the world."

I was smiling so big.

"Best part if it? That it was you who came with me."

I laughed a bit and let go of his hand. With that same hand, I messed with his hair. It made him hotter. I loved it. With my hand running up and down through his hair, I asked him with a smile, "how is it possible that you and I ended up together so perfectly?"

"Because you deserve so much. No guy can give you all that you deserve but me."

He sat up. "I will give you a lot."

I laughed in a way that made me sound so girly.  Like the girly-est giggle on Earth. It's cause I was so smitten.

"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" He hadn't taken his eyes off me.

"A lot?" I laughed.

"A ton." He smirked his adorable smirk and sat up. 

His arms went under mine to give me this warm rush of love when he hugged me.

I squeezed my baby back, with one hand still playing with his hair.


After that hug we got up and held hands.

We walked to the closest hotel and asked for a taxi.

We got one and rode it back to where the car was.

Corey paid the man and I gave the man a tip as we walked out of the car.

I mean, he picked us up REALLY late and took us. He would appreciate a tip. 

So we got to the car and after about a 15 minute drive, we got to the hotel.

The doorman gave us our cards and asked, "Are you guys the cast of Girl Meets World?"

Corey, who was obviously exhausted said. "No."

The man kept staring at us and said, "but I swear you two look just like Corey Fogelmanis and Sabrina Carpenter."

I was tired too, so I responded with, "What? No way, those guys are WAY hotter then little old us."

And as I finished that sentence, I gently squeezed Corey's arm and he knew what I was doing.

We walked to the elevator away from that creepy man.

He stared at us the whole time, even when the elevator door closed.

I started laughing my really really tired laugh, and leaned my head on Corey's shoulder.

He smiled and tilted his head back onto mine. 

We got to our level and found our room.

We went inside and locked the door.

Corey had already jumped onto the bed, so I jumped onto it next to him.

Just as I did, I got off and said, "Cor we were just at the beach lying in sand. Do you really wanna sleep in sand?"

He rolled over and groaned. You could see his jeans covered in sand.

"Corey get up and at least change." He groaned again, stood up and went to his bag.

He was acting like a complete child.

He pulled out a onesie.

He went into the washroom for about 30 seconds.

He came out wearing that onesie, and he said, "there's a dirty clothes bag in there." He pointed to the bathroom.

I was too busy staring at his adorable rubber duckie onesie, and his hot messy hair.

"Okay." I told him.

I looked up at his face.


"Oh nothing Mr Rubber Duck Duckie."

I started laughing.

He smiled and looked down to see what he was wearing. 

When he looked up, his smile had grown and he was bright red, obviously embarrassed.

Just as he did, he said, "Oh my god." And jumped into his bed, his face in the pillow.

I went up next to the bed and hugged his back. "Night night hun."

He turned around smiling but still bright red.

My hand went from his back to his shoulders due to him turning.

"Night night Sabrinacadabra."

I hugged him one last time before letting him sleep.

I got up and went to my suitcase.

I went through it and found that i had a pink plaid onesie.

I looked at Corey who was already sleeping like an angel.

I grab the onesie  and put it on.

I then jump into bed, and snuggle under the covers next to Corey.

I fall asleep in the arms of the love of my life.

What a great day.

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