t w e n t y - t h r e e

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//Coreys POV//

The tour bus toured us everywhere in the park.

Sabrina loves flowers, so she was constantly smiling, and pointing out areas, and saying 'Corey can we go there?' or 'Babe can we go there after??' and all that cute stuff. 

I of course agreed to every single one because why pass up an opportunity to see Sabrina smile, right?

After the tour ended, we decided to walk through the park.

I took more pictures of her than of the flowers.

I took some photos with my Polaroid, too.

Basically, we took a decent amount of pictures and used up the majority of the day.

At around 2, Peyton got hungry and started nonstop complaining about food.

So we finished up at the park and left to get some food.

We ate up at 'Montanas'.

I got ribs, Sabrina and Row both got a veggie burger, and Peyton got some steak.

We ate to our filling, then Peyton paid (I wasn't about to let Brina pay for a bunch of meat) and we left to go on these 'water planes.'

I didn't understand at first, but then when we got to the dock, I understood completely.

They are these planes that you sit in, but they depart in the water. Than they take off in the air, and land back in the water. The plane takes you to Victoria and back.

We were all pretty excited about that.

For some reason, my food digested quite quickly, and so did Rowans.

I told Sabrina to stay with Peyton, and to not move or do anything. She nodded.

I kissed her cheek and shouted to Peyton "Dont loose my princess!!"

He looked at her than back at me. He shouted back "I won't!!"

Me and Row ran to the washrooms. I went in the boys and she went in the girls.

I did my business real fast, cause I wanted to go back in time for departure.

When Row was taking like 5 minutes, I knocked on the door.

"Row you doin ok there?"

She gave me a un-convincing "yea."

I was wondering what she was up to.

"You sure?"

Her voice got became loud enough to hear this time.

"My pants button just wont close, that's all."

"You've been trying at it for 5 minutes?"

"Yes. And its not cause they don't fit me, but cause the button has some string from the pants stuck to it, so it wont go through. Plus, I cant find the zipper. I looked out and couldn't see Sab or Peyton. I had to find them. But I couldn't leave Row.

Without thinking, I said "ok well let me see."

There was a pause.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes come out."

She came out.

I sat on my knees and undid the string tied to her buttons.

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