t w e n t y - s e v e n

482 13 2

continuing from the last chapter...

//Coreys POV//

I followed Row out to the parking lot, and we just walked around.

Walking and talking.

We probably walked around for half an hour before she pulled her phone out and took a selfie.

She looked adorable, I gave her a proud smirk, making my posture straighter than usual.

I may be falling for Row slowly without me knowing, but I have already fallen for Sab, and this hole is really deep. I don't think I'll ever be able to climb out.

She took the picture and looked at it with a smile.

I watched her go on messages, and send me the picture.

She closed her phone and looked up at me, with the biggest smile on her face.

I smiled, and without thinking, I took my sweater off, and put it around her.

All she was wearing was this thin pineapple shirt, and it was starting to get cold. She zipped it up and put her hands in its pockets.

"Thank you."

I put my own hands in my pants pockets.

"Any day."

She smiled as we both walked upstairs to Sabrina's room.

Rowan was in front of me, and she was smiling real big.

She looked in through the window and I kid you not her facial expression changed in a matter of seconds.

She spun around and grabbed my shirt, pushing me away from Sabrina's room.

She looked behind her, than at me again.


I was extremely confused.


She locked her eyes with mine hard.

"I really feel like you shouldn't go in there."

I stood up straight, trying to shake her grip off of my shirt.


She maintained eye contact, but she was stuttering like crazy.


But I knew something was up.

With one hand, I wiped her grip off of my shirt and walked towards the room.

Row was trying to stop me, tugging my shirt, calling my name, trying as best as she can to hold me back.

But I had to know what was in that room.

I initially was going to go in the room, but the sight through the window for even a millisecond stabbed me in all 4 of the chambers of my heart.

There in that very room, my girlfriend sat on her bed, with 'pey pey meyer' next to her, making out hard.

So hard I felt like at any second they'd start fucking each other.

There was no warning.

My heart...was no longer there.

I stood there staring into that room absolutly frozen.

My vision began to blur from all of my tears.

Rowan was just standing to my side, staring at me.

After she saw my tears start to well up, she lifted her hand and placed it at the back of my head, gently petting my hair. 

After a few seconds, my hand gripped her wrist and pulled it away from my hair, and to her side.

I turned around, and sprinted out of the hospital.

Rowan called behind me.

"Corey!! Corey stop!! Cor!! COREY!!!!!!"

I ignored her.

I was focused on running.

I had no destination in mind.

I just kept going and going.

After a while my legs and ribs started to hurt.

I didn't care.

A bit later, my abdomen started killing me

I didn't give a shit.

I kept running,

and running,

and running,

until my tears had completely blurred my vision and no matter how many times I blinked, it would only increase the water in my eyes. 

I lifted my hands so that they were now under my hung head. 

I stared at my hands so hard them hard, trying to regain focus.

Once I did, I saw they were shaking. 

I was sobbing so hard. 

I was freezing. 

I was heart broken. 

That is all I remember from that night.  

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