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//Sabrinas POV//

We drove for quite some time I guess because I apparently fell asleep. I woke up to Corey still driving, but he had been holding my hand the whole time. I opened my eyes just enough to see he was smiling and playing On Purpose, while lightly humming it. I swear you can not get more precious than that. I squeezed his hand to let him know I was up. "Hey Cor." I told him as I sat up in my seat. Once he saw me get up, he let go if my hand as if he had done something wrong. I laughed and grabbed his hand back. But this time, I made sure his fingers were intertwined with mine. Once they were, I stared at our hands with a small smile.  I swear it looked and felt right. He than parked the car and looked over to see our hands. He smirked. I looked up at him, still smiling. Still looking at our hands...he said, "I always dreamed of this." He then looked up at me. After about 4 seconds he said "We're here!" And he started to get outta the car. I let go of his hand and looked at the view. He took me to a beach, with the most amazing view I had ever seen. The sun was just beginning to set, so the sky was a huge mixture of orange, yellow and a bit of red. I hear Corey open the trunk of his car so I get out. I walk over to him placing my left cheek on his right shoulder. I watch him pull out a basket with sandwiches and his blue swimming suit. I gasp and look at him. "Corey...you did all of this-" "For you" he cut me off. He smiled as he walked towards the beach with the basket. After a few steps, he turns around and says "So, you don't wanna come?" He was laughing, because he knew I always had a thing for beach sunsets. I ran I over to him, laughing. We place the basket down and Corey stands up, grabbing his trunks as gets up. "Corey I didn't bring my-" "check the basket." He says with a smile. I look at him confused, but he nods his head at the basket again. I look through the basket and see my yellow bikini that I had lost a couple weeks back. I hold it with my jaw open. Corey, who is still smiling says "what, you don't think it'll still fit you?" I laughed.

We both headed into the change rooms, him in the boys one, and me in the girls. But he got changed faster because all he has to do is put on one piece I guess. When I came out, he looked up from the basket and whistled. I laugh. "Corey..." "Yea..." I slowly walk closer and closer to him. He stands up straight. "I just wanna thank you for all of this. I don't believe I will ever forget this night. I thought I loved you more than ever but I guess I was wrong." By now I was so close I could feel his breath on my nose. "Right at this very moment, I love you more than I thought possible. Thank you for this Corey." He smiled. "Thank you Sabrina. For...taking me in even before I hit puberty." I burst out laughing so hard I had to bend over. Corey was laughing too, just not as hard. He then picked me up, bridal style, and carried me out into the water. I was laughing so much and so was he. When we got to a certain deepness, he let me go and I swam on my own. We splashed water at each other, had small races, and watched the sky change color. Before I knew it we were back, wrapped in blankets, sitting on the sand talking. My hair straightened out on its own but his was a mess. He looked hotter than ever. After what felt like hours of talking about anything and everything, we seemed to have an awkward silence, and just stared deeply in each others eyes for a bit. Corey broke the silence. "Sab, I always felt like me and you had some sort of connection." I listened carefully to what he was now saying. "I always felt like you were the only one listening to me when i spoke. That you always understood me the first time. I always felt guilty when acting out 'smarkle' with Ceci because I ship markle more than anything. Mainly because i thought that if you and I dated in the show...you'd wanna date me in-" i cut him off with a kiss. But it wasn't like the rucas kiss in GM first date. No this one was deep, yet closed mouthed. At first, I was just kissing him, but after a few seconds he seemed to relax and kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. His hands hit my rib cage and he seemed to move his hands up and down my body. It wasn't like a stupid movie kiss that we had both had before. This was the kiss I had been waiting for my entire life. And it was with Corey Shain Fogelmanis.

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