t w e n t y - n i n e

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continuing from last chapter...

//Coreys POV//


I asked her with my eyes the biggest they could possibly be. 

Row nodded with a smile.

Before I could speak again, Peyton stopped the car, took the keys out and said "We're here."

I ran out the car, to the elevator and up to her room.

There in her bed sat my baby brini, hugging her blanket, crying.

Not moving, I said "Sab..." and she immediately looked up at me and a smile formed on her face.

She got up, ran over to me and jumped on me, hugging me.

She was crying really really hard.

I hugged her back real tight.

I dug my face into her shoulder and hair.

I missed her smell so much.

Her little body wrapped around mine, her arms and legs.

It was the best feeling I had felt in weeks.

This rush I haven't felt in a long time.

I missed this feeling.

I missed this.

I missed her.

I walked over to her bed to put her down.

She wouldn't let go.

I wasn't gonna pull her off, I liked her on me.

So I lied down on her bed, with her on top of me, I placed my arm around her once more.

I grab the remote with a sigh, while rubbing her back.

Up and down with my hand only a few times, before she was in a deep sleep.

I stayed up and watched some tv.

I still hadn't had breakfast, and I didn't think she had either.

I hadn't seen Row or Peyton since the car ride though, so maybe that's where they went to.

I watched probably 4 episodes of Stranger Things before I felt her yawn.

"Good morning sunshine." I told her with a smile.

"Good morning Cor."

I kissed her forehead. "Can we talk?"

She kissed my cheek. "Of course."

She got up and sat in front of me, and held both of my hands.

"What were you crying about when I came in earlier?" 

She looked down and sighed.

My right hand let go of her hand and made its way under her chin.

I pulled her beautiful face up so that her eyes would align with my own.

"Tell me everything that happened the night you went outside."

She inhaled deeply.


I nodded, and held both of her hands again.

"Uh...well I went outside. I went and I saw an empty bench. I wanted to go sit on it, so I began to walk towards it. I then heard this giant honk noise, and this bright light before my eyes. It came closer and closer until my world went pitch black."

His Ocean Eyes - CorbrinaWhere stories live. Discover now