t h i r t y - f o u r

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//Sabrinas POV//

The drive was pretty normal, if not better.

I have gotten more comfortable with Cor since our last trip.

Probably because I am able to see him as more of a boyfriend than a boy friend.

So a chill ride, until the end.

That's when stuff started to heat up.

I had Corey drive to MY old house in Pennsylvania, so when we started to pull up on its driveway, Cor stopped, right in the middle of the road.

He had a shocked expression plastered onto his face, and his hands were glued to the steering wheel.

I looked at him with a smile. "Surprise."

He just stared at the house, jaw open.

"Baby...? What's wrong?"

He closed his mouth and gulped, and began to place the car in reverse.

I grabbed his hand and took it off of the joystick.

He ignored it and tried to grab it again.

I again took his hand off the joystick.

He went again, with more force this time.

"Corey stop."

I grabbed his hand with 2 hands now, and he stopped trying.

He first looked at our hands, then up at me with his puppy dog eyes.


I loosened my grip, but didn't dare release eye contact with him.

"I can't let you do this Bri. I do not want to be that boyfriend that needs to rent an old house just for a trip. I will find us a hotel, and we can continue our vacation."

I continued staring into his eyes of which I got lost in for a second.

I gave him the smallest smile.

"That's the thing Cor. I don't want this trip to end. I never want this trip to end so long as it's with you. Pey and Row went back to LA because they felt they weren't really needed anymore."

I looked down at my hands, that were still clasped around his one hand.

"Corey I am freaking in love with you.  So much. A-and I was thinking, I dunno, maybe we are ready to start-"

I gulped hard.  Here goes.

"-a life together."

I looked up at him and his eyes were widened.

He didn't speak, but I answered his questions for him.

"I called my mom while we were still in Vancouver and asked her if I can live with you. After all, we officially turn into adults in less than a year. Two 18 year olds can take care of eachother right?"

He wasn't tearing up, but I could tell by the subtle smirk on his face that he liked what he just heard.

He let go of my hands and stuck his arms out for a hug.

I didn't hesitate for a second, and hugged him.

He squeezed me, tight.

Still in our hug, I continued, "My mom said that she would love for me to feel the responsibility of adulthood, and doing it with a fine young gentlemen was the best way to go."

I felt him smile as he dug his face in my shoulder. 

This time Corey spoke. 

"Tell her I said thank you for the compliment, "

He pulled away just enough for my hands to be on his chest, and his to still be hugging my body.

We looked each other straight in the eyes. 

I smiled at him, and he continued: "and that I will most certainly take care of you."

He smiled back, and lowered his head to place a kiss upon my lips.

I smiled bigger.

"And I will protect with my life, for my whole life."

And with that I placed my forehead onto his and exhaled with a smile, eyes shut.

"I fucking love you Cor."

He shut his eyes and pressed his forehead onto my own the tiniest bit harder.

"I'm fucking in love with you, Sab."

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