t w e n t y - e i g h t

508 16 2

//Coreys POV//

I woke up under a tree, in the middle of no where, next to a road.

I had no idea where I was.

I felt fine, I wasn't sore at all.

I opened my phone to see the time.

It was 2 pm on a Friday.

Thinking back, Sabrina was hit by a car on a Tuesday evening, and she woke up the next morning.

I ran away that very evening.

So...I had been asleep or unconscious or something...for 3 days.

In those 3 days, Sab could've lost her virginity with that asshole.

My phone was and 9%, but I didn't know where I was, and was completely lost.

I didn't know who to call; Peyton or Rowan.

So I pulled my phone out and called a guy who can drive.


"Hey hi Peyton hey man uh could you come pick me up please?"

I sounded desperate as fuck, because 1, I was and 2, I could never look at Peyton the same way again.

"Uhhhmmmm where are you?"

I was getting frustrated.


I heard Row gasp in the background.


"Peyton put Rowan on."



I heard her gasp again.

"Corey! Oh my god your alive. Okay listen, me and Peyton are coming to get you right now."

"What about Sab?"

She didn't say anything.


I looked at my phone.

She had hung up, leaving my phone at 2%.

I shoved it in my pocket and started to walk.

After about what was probably forever, Peyton's car showed up, with Row in the front.

She ran out of the car as I stood up tall, extending my arms out for a hug.

She ran into my arms and hugged me, tight.

I hugged her back, wrapping my arms all the way around her.

She put both hands on the back of my head, and turned my head to look at hers.

A concerned look was across her face.

"Are you okay?"

I smiled and nodded.

She then smiled back and hugged me again.

She backed away after a bit and punched my arm.

"Ow what the-"

"Don't you ever do that again! Do you hear me? Never again Corey Shain!"

I chuckled.

I loved when she called me that.

Of course, I man hugged Peyton. I didn't like it.

I got in the back of the car and Row came back there with me.

"Don't you wanna sit in the front?  You always call shotgun?"

She looked at Peyton then back at me.


Then quieter, she said "I have something I need to tell you."

"Okay..." I said just as quiet.

She inched closer to me.

"Peyton told me what happened. Sabrina kissed him."

I shook my head and leaned back in my seat.

"Nah, making out is a two person job."

She shook her head

"No just listen."

I looked at Peyton, then back at her.

I leaned forward again. "Alright..."

"Sabrina kissed him. He kissed back because he thought that if he did, he might fall for her instead of this other girl he likes. So he did it...and just kissed back whenever Sabrina did. He stopped when Sabrina stopped, and at that moment, he realized he could never love her as a girlfriend, but only as a friend."

I just stared at her.

I was speechless.

"But after he realized that in his head, Sabrina told him she loved him out loud. He just walked out of the room. He needed some air. He found me downstairs and told me what happened. I told him that you ran away and Pey said that it might be better, because you need to figure things out on your own."

Without thinking, and still intensely staring into her eyes, I said "That's ultimate bullshit."

Row nodded. "I agree. But I also can't drive."

I nodded. "Very true."

She continued.

"So Pey took Sabs to that beach that we all were at the day of her accident. He told her about everything that happened. How she was dating you before she got hit by a car and fell for Pey. She refused to believe it. She didn't wanna believe it. So she ran into the ocean without thinking. The water was up to her neck, but she just kept going and going. At that moment, I thought I had just lost my two best friends. You were gone and Sab isn't really Sab at the moment."

She was getting teary eyed.

She slowly wriggled her fingers between mine.

I felt uncomfortable, but I let her do it.

"Sometimes the farther away we get from each other, the more we realize that we need each other." I said, staring at our hands.

She looked up at me, still teary eyed and she smiled.

She leaned her head onto my shoulder.

We had a moment of silence.

Then, Peyton broke the silence by saying "5 more minutes."

Row, who was half asleep while holding my hand woke up completely, "oH my gosh!" she exclaimed.  "When Pey went after Sab in the water...he picked her up and carried her back to his car. We drove her to the hospital and they gave her CPR. When she woke up, the first thing she asked for..."


"Was you."

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