t h i r t y - o n e

543 13 2

//Sabrinas POV//

The drive back was incredible.

I wasn't uncomfortable at all.

Not scared,

Not worried,

Not one bit.

I somehow felt completely fine.

I don't know whether that's because of Cor kissing me or whatever, but I was back on track, which was what mattered most.

We got to the hotel and parked the car in our space.

We got out and right when I did, I ran over to Corey again to hold his hand.

My incident happened when I let go, I couldn't risk anything happening again.

One I intertwined my fingers with his, he gave me a comforting smile, and kissed my forehead.

We walked into the elevator and it took us right up to the lobby.

We began walking through the lobby before someone at the front desk called out "Mr Fogelmanis!!"

Corey turned his head to face me, but kept his body still.

His eyes were clenched, tight.

So tight that it was so freaking adorable.

I smiled at him, but he didn't see me.

"Guess who that was?"

I got so close to him I could feel his breath on my cheeks.

I didn't have my heels, I was just in my converse, so I was a shrimp compared to 'super tall and handsome glo'd up Corey.'

He opened his eyes to see me right in front of him.

I could tell he wasn't expecting it, because right when I did, his eyes looked straight, then his pupils shook before adjusting to where I was.

I laughed.

He furrowed his eyebrows, but he also had a smile on his face.

"Creepy woman?"

I tilted my head down, then up again to give him this one nod.

But I then looked up to him, Keeping my head up, I said "ding ding."

He un-forrowed his eyebrows and gave me this extremely hot chuckle. 

He looked at my lips, then back up to my eyes and said "Sabracadorable."

I hugged him, and he lifted me up.

I kissed his shoulder while in the air, but the lady once again called in a more firm voice.

"Mr Fogelmanis!! A word if you may?"

I heard him lightly whisper "yea okay I get it."

He attempted to place me down, only I held tight.

He lightly pushed my feet into the ground indicating he wanted me to let go.

I let go and stood in front of him.

He began to walk backwards in the direction of the front desk, but pointed to the elevator behind me.

I hadn't moved.

"Meet me in our room, k?"

And with that, he spun around walking towards the desk.

I glanced back at the elevator behind me, but then immediately ran to Cor. I could never leave him.

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