t w e n t y - s i x

505 11 2

continuing from the last chapter...

//Coreys POV//

Rowan and Peyton showed up.

She remembered them.

But she didn't remember her relationships with anyone.

Rowan started crying.

Well, harder then she already was.

She sat next to Sabrina and tried to remind her of what they were.

They're memories, their experiences, etc.

I took Peyton outside of the room, and talked to him.

"Peyton...Sabrina doesn't remember that me and her were a couple. She doesn't remember any of that."

I could see tears start to form in his eyes.

"But I know that you love her and all..."

His facial expression changed almost immediately. His tears practically evaporated. 

"What are you talking about? I love Sabrina as a friend, nothing more. She's your girl Cor, I'm not crushing on her."

I was in shock.

"But Peyton you told me that you had feelings for this amazing talented girl, and you can't get the nerve to talk to her, because you are completly smitten?"

Peyton opened his mouth to say something, but then shut his mouth and eyes, tight.

He mouthed, "oh god."

"What? I don't get it man."

He opened his eyes and put both his hands on my shoulders.

"Paris, Corey. I love Paris."

I kept my eyes connected to his.


He took his hands off of my shoulders and nodded.

I looked through the window.

I saw Sabrina smiling with Row.

I looked back at Peyton.


He put his hands in his pants pockets.

"I'm so sorry for you bro."

I just lightly nodded my head, biting my bottom lip and staring at the ground.

We both walked back into their room.

"So...how are things?" Peyton asked them.

Sabrina turned to look at Peyton, and this huge smile spread across her face.

I watched her eyes check out Peyton up and down.

Perfect. I thought. If she didn't like him before she definitely likes him now.

I went and sat in a chair next to Row.

Row looked at me and rubbed her right hand on my back.

I looked at her.

She gave me this supportive smile.

I smiled back.

It felt right.

She pulled her chair closer to mine and hugged me, like the 'riarkle' hug in Girl Meets Great Lady Of New York.

Her head was in the crook between my shoulder and neck.

I tilted my head back on top of hers.

Peyton saw me and Row and smiled.

He went and sat next to Sabrina on her bed.

Sabrina hadn't taken her eyes off of him.

Peyton clapped his hands together.


He looked at Sabrina. "Do you remember Rowan?"

Sabrina looked at Row and said, "I do remember her, but I can't recall the memories she spoke of. I feel awful guys. I wish I could remember."

Rowan, who was still half hugging me said "Its okay, peaches. Its not your fault."

//Rowans POV//

I felt awful.

For everything.

But what made me the most sad, was Corey.

I felt so bad for him.

I always have loved Corey, he is my best friend after Sabrina.

But since Sabrina doesn't remember our friendship, that puts Corey in first.

I hated seeing him look so sad.

I stood up.

"C'mon Corey."

He looked up at me.

"What?" I smiled, and grabbed his shirt, pulling  him so that he is now standing.

He stood up, but I didn't even loosen my grip that was still holding his shirt.

I then walked with him to the door, and Peyton asked, "Where are you guys going??"

Corey shrugged, I smiled, and we went out to the hall.

We walked to the very end of the hall, and into the elevator.

When we got inside the elevator, I let go of his shirt.

He straightened out his shirt and sweater.

"What the hell??"

I pushed both my hands onto his shoulders, and pressed him up against the elevator walls.


Was all I heard from him.

"Corey you are going through an unstable point in your life and I do not want you to feel like you are alone. Sabrina loves you Corey, she just needs to remember how much."

He turned his head so his eyes weren't staring into mine.

He knew I was right.

My right hand let go of his shoulder, and placed it on the side of his face turning it so that his eyes would align with mine.

"And even if Sabrina doesn't remember, I'm always here to for you."

I kissed him on his cheek.

He looked at me in shock.

I let go of him as the elevator door opened.

I walked out and looked at him.


//Coreys POV//

I can't fall for Row.

I can't fall for Row.

I cant fall for Row.

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