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//Sabrinas POV//

I sat there waiting for Corey to get back with the luggage.

I stand up and jump on my bed, landing on my back.

I stretched my body out as big as it could possibly go. I exhale as I stand up again. On the floor this time though.

Corey had left his phone charging on the nightstand between our beds, so I picked it up and opened it.

His wallpaper was a picture of me and him, the one I posted on his 17th birthday.

So cute, it was my wallpaper too.

I knew his password so I unlocked it and opened his data. I go over to Instagram and sign into @/sabrinacarpenter . Of course the feed blows up, but I see that I hadn't posted anything for awhile. So I go to post something, only to realize that I'm on his phone, with his camera roll, not my own. I look through his images and see some really nice ones of me and him that I had never seen before. Instead of posting stuff, I ended up iMessaging myself a ton of his amazing pictures. I guess that's the plus to dating a photographer;)

I start to here the door unlock so I quickly log out of my account and clear his history.

I put his phone back where I found it, and jumped back into my bed.

I face planted into my pillow, and Corey bursts out laughing. I was laughing too, but only of embarrassment.

Both of us were still laughing 2 minutes later. Only now, I run up across the bed to him and cover his mouth. Through embarrassing chuckles and my tomato cheeks, I say "Shut. Up." He stops laughing and all that remains is a small smile. He lifts up both his hands like 'I surrender'.

Because he looked so adorable, I moved my hand and sat on the bed, looking down slightly and biting my lip.

He put his arms down. He tilted his head at me with a confused facial expression and said "Why ya gotsta be so cute Sab?"

I look up at him so we had full eye contact.

"Gotsta? Didn't Maya and Farkle have that inside joke?" I gave him a smirk.

"And we are Maya and Farkle." He smiled. He then gestured to my bag. "You wanna get changed here or the bathroom?"


"Well can I take a quick shower before you go in?"

I couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes he was giving me. Also because Coreys showers are legit 2 minutes. Mine are a half hour.

"Sure Cor."

"Thanks babe." He winked at me.

I giggled and threw the pillow next to me at him. I missed. 


I played on my phone and prepared my clothes while Cor was in the shower.

I kid you not, he took less than 2 minutes.

He came out with a towel over his shoulders, hair so wet it was stuck to his face, wearing his pants and holding his shirt.

"What?" He said to me with a confused facial expression.

I blinked a couple times, and said "Nothing."

He smirked and shook his head, looking at the ground. "You love me so much."

I smiled back at him, then got up and grabbed my outfit. I start to go to the bathroom, but stop under his nose and say, "I do. I really do."

He than bends his knees so he is up to my height, and then kisses me on the nose.

"Farkle?" I said with a smile.

"Miss Hart." He said back.

I stare at him while chuckling under my breath for about 10 seconds, then headed to the bathroom.


I came outta the shower and put on the outfit that I had prepared.

I then unlocked the door, went out to ask Corey where my makeup was.

He was sitting with right leg on top of the left, staring deeply into his phone. He had put on his shirt, which was a new one that I liked on him. He looked just like that day I saw him in Starbucks. I loved him so freaking much. I asked him where my makeup was.

He lifted his head, with a poker facial expression. "What?"

I tilted my head and repeated, "Where's my makeup Cor?"

He glanced back at his phone for a second then back at me. "I don't think you need it, because you are absolutely gorgeous just the way you are."

I smiled, with my head still tilted. "But?"

He gestured his hand at my suitcase, "But if you really want it, in the left pocket of your bag." He had gave me a gentle smile. 

"Thanks babe." I went and grabbed it. I then walked over to him and stood behind his chair. I rested me chin on his left shoulder, while wrapping my arms around his head.

"Whatcha doin that you are so into??" He chuckled, and then kissed my arm, and tilted his head so that it touched mine.

"I'm stalking your account."

I looked at his phone.

He was.

There was an image on Instagram open from when I wished him a happy birthday. It was probably the first happy birthday I had wished him on that Instagram.

"Awh baby your so cute." I kissed his cheek, then went to the bathroom and applied a very little amount of makeup. After that, I put my bag back into my suitcase. He then packed up the charger that was charging my phone. He put the charger in his bag, and handed me my phone.

He looked at me with a slight smirk.


I grabbed his hand. "As I'll ever be."

I smiled so big. We both grabbed our bags and walked out, still holding each others hands.

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