t w e l v e

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//Sabrinas POV//

You probably are expecting me to talk about the car ride to where we were going right?

Well the car ride was 15 more hours, and summing it up it was the best car ride of my life.

If I'd get thirsty, he had so much water in his car. I wanted food, he had that too. But he had this thing that if i didn't like a certain type of chips, or got bored of water, he would somehow know. He would pull into the nearest Starbucks, or grab me a little KFC bucket or something.

In between bathroom breaks, sleeping and eating, we just drove. While we drove, we talked about memories. The past, both good and bad.

We talked a lot about bloopers that would occur on set, or how much we really want a season 4, or how much Row and Pey would flirt with each other while acting. We didn't really ship it, but I ain't gonna lie we did laugh at them and make fun of them for it.

We also talked about relationships.

Mainly mine.

Corey is a very good friend to talk to about these things.

Like not only is he sweet and hot and adorable, but he is super supportive and very smart.

I talked to him about my Bradley situation. About our break up, how it was before we broke up, how i felt when he asked me to be his girlfriend, how it felt to see him around other girls as soon as we broke up. To be honest there were tears there. I didn't miss him, but at the time i loved him, and that break up hurt..big time.

Once i started crying, Corey did this.

He rubbed my back with one arm, while driving with the other.

Once he could, he pulled over.

Once the car came to a complete stop, he just grabbed me and hugged me.

So freaking tight, that I actually felt like this was why i was created.

Once he hugs me for about 10 seconds, i pick up my arms and hug him back. 

I was crying harder now. Not because i missed Bradley, but because Bradley never cared this much.

Bradley couldn't hug like this.

No one could.

Coreys hugs make it seem like the whole worlds possibilities just opened all of their doors.

I kept crying, and he would just wrap his arms around me more, while stroking his hands through my hair then down to my back, while whispering "sh, sh, its okay. Your ok Sab. I got you ok? There there calm down. Deep breathes, there we go. Good Sabby good."

Once I stopped crying, I sniffed a bit, and still hugging him i said,


"Yes Sabrina?"

I stop hugging him, put my hands in his shoulders firmly, and stare into his gorgeous blue eyes.

He was staring back at mine in a way that let me know i had his full attention.

"Please, please PLEASE promise me Corey..."


He looked so serious.

That he cared so much about me, and whatever i was about to say he would remember forever.

I gulp down my tears and tell him with as much confidence as I currently had,

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