s e v e n t e e n

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//Sabrinas POV//
Me and Cor have been enjoying ourselves in Vancouver for the past 2 days.

Going to restaurants, going to the science center, loads of fun stuff.

We were on a little lounge area atop of a hill. It had 4 beach chairs, a coffee table in the middle, and it was a gazebo.

It was ontop of the water, so we were sitting infront of the most beautiful sunset.

The sky faded from blue, to purple, to red, orange and yellow. Yellow being the semi-circle sun, that had half of it hidden in the water.

I looked at Corey.

He was thinking about something, I could tell by his facial expression.
He had been smiling all day and this was the best part.

But he wasn't smiling.

"Whatcha thinkin bought, baby?"

He turned his head to face me, but he hadn't changed his facial expression.

I move my chair closer to him.



I put my hand on top of his hand.

"What's wrong?"

He looked out to the view.

He quickly changed his facial expression to a happy one and pretended I hadn't shown anything.

"Well Sabrina have you seen this amazing view!! Wow I should get my camera. I'll get it from the car..."

He started to get up.

I moved my hands so that they were on his shoulders, and pushed down firmly so sat back down.

He went serious again.

"Wow, your strong."

I stared really hard into his eyes.

"This is the last time I ask you Corey. What is wrong?"

He started to turn so he wasn't looking at me and he was looking out to the water.

I let go if his shoulders and sat back in my seat.

I stared at the view. After a bit of silence, I spoke.

"You know, boyfriends usually trust their girlfriends."

He turned his head so that he was looking at me, but I kept staring out to the sunset.

"But you don't trust me."

I paused.

He hadn't taken his eyes of me.

"But I trusted you. I came with you on this trip. It has been amazing."

I now looked at him.

Our eye contact was hard and painful.

I started to tear up. So did he.

I swallowed.

"Up until now."

I began to get up and leave.

But he grabbed my arm and said.


I turned my head to face him, still standing.



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