Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"I'll be down in a minute Jax!" I screamed from my upstairs bedroom.

My name is Alexandra Carter, but everybody just calls me Lexi. Today I am starting my junior year at Westview High and of course, my brother – Jaxon Carter, one of the most popular seniors at school, not to mention overall jerk – is giving me a ride today since I won't have my license for a few more months. I am an average 16 year old girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, and an alright body – not that anybody else knows that; I've never been kissed, much less had sex.

"Lex, if you don't get down here in the next minute, I'm going to school without you... Carson's already waiting in the car and we need to leave NOW" I heard my brother shout from downstairs. Seconds later I heard the front door slam shut

I hate making my brother angry, so with a final look in the mirror, I grabbed my bag after checking I had anything and ran down the stairs. I made a quick stop in the kitchen to see my mother sitting there reading the newspaper and dressed for work.

My mother was a lawyer for a huge law firm a couple of minutes outside the city. I hardly knew my father. I was only 4 when he died because he went out on a stormy night one winter and the next thing you know, my mother was getting a call saying that he had lost control of the vehicle and smashed into a tree. It took my mom a really long time to get over his death but finally started to get herself together when Jaxon was around 12 and I was turning 11. She has dated since then, but hasn't found anyone as great as him yet.

I said goodbye to my mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek and I ran out the door hoping that Jaxon hadn't left yet.

I got into the backseat slamming the door shut.

"Hey, watch the car!" Jaxon told me while he turned the key in the ignition and drove out of the driveway.

My brother had gotten a car last year after getting his license and he loved it. It was a red BMW 520d and never once had a scratch on it. I still can't believe my mom bought him this car, but I guess after all the begging she must have caved just to make him shut up

"Sorry bro, but if I wasn't in such a rush because of the stupid prank you two pulled last night, I probably wouldn't have taken it out on your car"

Last night, after I had gone to bed, Jaxon and his best friend Carson, who is also are next door neighbour thank you very much, had decided it would be extremely hilarious to draw on my face and turn my alarm clock off. So when I woke up this morning I was already late plus I had to take 20 extra minutes to wash off the marker masterpiece that was displayed all over my face.

Carson looked back from the passenger seat and said "You know deep down you still love us, I mean how could you not, just look at me". I rolled my eyes at that one but he quickly continued by saying "By the way, you did a good job getting the marker off this morning – actually it's not just that you look hot today Lexi"

Jaxon took one hand off the wheel while we were stopped at a red light and smacked Carson upside the head. Carson turned back around rubbing his hand on the side of his head were Jaxon has hit him and said "Dude, what was that for?"

"Little sister" replied Jaxon

I moved forward when we were driving again sticking my head in the middle of the two front seats and said "Don't worry Jaxon, Carson will never change. He can't even control himself from hooking up with some whore at least once a week, so what makes you think that he can stop perving on me" I turned to glare at Carson before turning back to Jaxon. "Even if I am your little sister"

I sat back against my seat and watched Jaxon turn to glare at Carson for a second before turning his vision back to the road.

I have known Carson pretty much my whole life. The Roberts family moved next door to us when I was 5, about a year after my dad died. Him and Jaxon were the same age so they become close friends, and have been best buds ever since. Carson has always been conceited ever since he became aware of how good he looks back when he was in seventh grade. All the girls wanted him and all the guys wanted to be him. He had short brown hair with gorgeous green eyes. He was co-captain of the varsity basketball team at school (alongside my bro of course) and that did wonders for his body. His muscles weren't bulging but you knew they were there and he was toned in all the right places. Also, being above average height at 6'2" also got him noticed. I knew how good he looked, hey; I even had a crush on him when I was around 10, which passed pretty quickly because he became obnoxious and conceited, not to mention way out of my league. Now a days, we are basically acquaintances since he is over at my house so often, I just overlook his good looks now because I know what he is like with girls. Carson Roberts is a total player. He has never had a relationship before and I actually don't think he is capable of settling down anytime soon.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Westview High at the end of the street. My school wasstereotypical in most aspects – we had the whore-ish cheerleaders, the know-it-all brainiacs, the jocks who thought they ruled the school, the goth kids and the band geeks. I, however, didn't fit into any of these categories, for I wanted to go through high school being unnoticed – but that didn't really work when your older brother and his best friend were basically the rulers of the school, so I was just average. Not a girly girl at any means, but not a total loser. Sure, I had brains, but I also didn't look too bad, and I had an alright personality.

As we pulled up at the school, a lot of the students surrounded the car since most of them hadn't seen Jaxon and Carson all summer. I quickly hopped out of the vehicle to avoid getting trapped into the madness.

Once I was away from all the sluts, jocks, cheerleaders, and whores of the school; I looked around for my friends who I was meeting under the tree at the side of the school. I quickly recognized my two best friends; Kylie Macklin and Zayn Tyson and made my way over.

Kylie had been my best friend since the first day of kindergarten when we were both energetic and were placed at the painting station for play time. We ended up having a paint war and had been best friends ever since. She was about the same height as me at 5'8", had shoulder length straight brown hair, green eyes, and she was extremely pretty. She could have a lot of guys if she tried but after her first relationship in freshman year that lasted 1½ years with a guy she really liked wet down the drain when she caught him cheating on her with the school slut, she hasn't really dated since.

Zayn was an average good looking guy; he stood at around 5'11", had dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and a pretty good body since we ran track the last two years. I could see the appeal he had on the ladies but I was never interested in him that way; he was way too good of a friend and way too much like a brother to me to even think about dating. Me and Kylie met him on the first day of freshman year when he didn't know anybody and felt like the odd ball out being a new student from London, England. All three of us had the exact same schedules that year so he quickly became one of our best friends.

Once I approached Zayn took me into his arms and spun me around while I was laughing my ass off. Eventually he put me down and said "Hey Lexi, I haven't seen you in like a week, and look at you being all gorgeous on the first day of school"

"Why thank you Zayn, you don't look too bad yourself" I replied in a mock British accent trying to imitate him.

Kylie rolled her eyes at us and said "You too cut it out, we all know we are all looking good today so why don't we just say 'Hello, How Was Your Summer' and get on with it". We all laughed.

After talking outside for a little bit, we headed to the office to get our schedules for the year. I looked at mine and I saw;

1st Period – AP English

2nd Period – Biology

3rd Period – Phys. Ed


4th Period – Math

5th Period – Chemistry

6th Period – French

Kylie quickly took my schedule out of my hands and said "We have 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th together little miss smarty pants". I rolled my eyes at that one. We basically had the same grades except for in English which is why I had AP English with Zayn, while she was in the normal grade eleven English curriculum.

Zayn took a look at my schedule and told me we had the exact same classes all year.

As the first bell rang we all headed to the same homeroom and just like that, my first day as a junior at Westview High had begun.


Picture of Lexi on the side -->

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