Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Carson was just finishing packing up the picnic while I was standing near him. The temperature was slowly dropping so I was starting to shiver.

“You can put one of these hoodies on if you’re cold, that’s what they’re here for.” Carson said, passing on of his old basketball hoodies to me with a smile.

I smiled back at him. “Thanks.”

“So, are you ready for the rest of our night to begin?” he asked, picking up the picnic basket and blanket with one hand and taking my hand in the other.

I smiled at him. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“Actually… it’s not far from here.” he replied as we started walking back through the path to get to his car.

I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him in which he replied with a smirk. I let the subject drop but I was still curious as to what we were doing.

When we got back to his truck, Carson threw the picnic basket in the back seat and closed the door. “Close your eyes.” he said.

I was confused for a second, but quickly complied and closed my eyes. I could hear him moving around and setting something up. I really wanted to know what he was doing, but I kept my eyes closed as I wanted it to be a surprise.

After a couple minutes, Carson took my hand and turned me around. “You can open your eyes now.” he said, whispering in my ear.

When I opened my eyes, Carson’s face was really close to mine and I suddenly felt an urge to kiss him. I fought against myself and turned my head to see what the big surprise was.

Oh…. My…. GOD!!

My eyes bulged and I looked back at Carson with a big grin on my face. “You did all this?” I asked him.

He looked shy as he nodded and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Yea, I mean, I wanted to take you to dinner and a movie… you know a normal first date, but I also knew I wanted to do something special and unique, so, umm.. is it okay? I mean, we could just go home if you want.” he said, babbling on nervously.

I put a hand over his mouth to halt his babble. “Carson, this is really cute and really incredible. Thank you.” I said and he smiled.

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