Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

My afternoon classes were just as eventful as my morning classes – not at all.

Once the final bell rang, I walked outside with Zayn and Kylie while they waited for Zayn’s older sister to come and pick him up.

Alenna Tyson was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She was 23 years old, short blonde hair and stunning green eyes. She also had the same tan complexion that Zayn inherited from his father, along with the British accent that there whole family still had. She was really sweet and Kylie and I loved her like she was our own sister.

She soon pulled up at the curb and we all noticed that the passenger seat wasn’t empty, there sat her always caring boyfriend.

Alenna and her boyfriend Zachary Gonzalez have been together for three years; basically they met her first day at her university when she was a transfer student. They had a couple classes together and had become fast friends. After two months Zach finally grew some balls and asked her out. They have been together ever since and we were all waiting for the day that Zachary proposed to her because we all knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

Alenna rolled down her window while Zayn and Kylie walked towards the back seat. “Hey guys. Hurry up, the movie starts in half an hour and it’s a twenty minute drive to the theatre” she said to the two friends now climbing into her car. Alenna then turned to me with a questioning stare. “Hey Lex, aren’t you coming to the movie with us?”

“No, my mom has to talk to me and the two jerks so sadly, I have to wait here until their basketball tryout is over so that we can all go home together” I replied and turned to knock on the back window. Zayn rolled down the window with one eyebrow raised

“What would you like?”

“I hope you guys have fun at the movie” I said about to turn around but then continued with “Enjoy your double date” in a loud voice so that plenty of people heard me.

Alenna and Zach started laughing at Zayn and Kylie while Zayn stayed silent and just shook his head knowing I was joking. Kylie, however, had a slightly different reaction. “You better shut your mouth girl, before I get out of this car and shut it for you” she said in a slightly loud and annoying voice.

“Chill down Kyl’s” I said moving my hands downwards to show a calming motion. I backed up from the car as Alenna started it up. I stood on the curb as it started to move out of the parking space and waved while saying “Have Fun!”

Once the car turned out of the parking lot I turned around to head back into the school to pick up some of my stuff of my locker. I didn’t have any homework since it was the first day of school, but I did have a bunch of forms I needed my mom to sign so I dropped off all my books in my locker while stuffing the forms into my bag and headed towards the gym.

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