Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

The bell had just rung, ending the school day and I was at my locker putting away most of my books except for Chemistry – I had to write a 4 page lab report by Friday.

When I closed my locker I headed towards the gym where Carson and Jaxon were practising. I could start writing out my chemistry lab while waiting and try to watch Carson as he played.

Usually I didn’t go to the practises unless Carson or Jaxon was my ride home, I just went with Zayn and Kylie when Alenna picked them up but this year, I’ve probably been to more practises then I’ve been to since high school started.

When I got to the gym, I noticed that I was the only one observing the practise. I walked up to the top row of the bleachers and put my bag down beside me, pulling out my chemistry notes and textbook writing out my purpose, hypothesis, steps and observations on a blank sheet of lined paper. During the hour I sat there undistracted, I got about three quarters of my lab written.

I quickly noticed the time and stuff my sheets inside my textbook before placing it into my bag.

The players were just finishing up there last round of circuits and I just sat back and watched my boyfriend dribble down the court and dunk the ball in less than 5 seconds flat. I guess I never really noticed before but Carson was amazing at basketball – just like my brother. No wonder they were the captains of the team.

Five minutes later the players headed to the change rooms to shower and change while I picked up all my stuff and went to wait at the gym doors.

Carson must have taken the quickest shower known to man because approximately three minutes later he was jogging out of the change rooms and headed towards me.

When he was close enough to me, he gave me a quick peck on the lips and threw his arm over my shoulder. “You ready?” he asked, leading me towards the front of the school.

I nodded in response because really, I was nervous. I knew that his parents liked me because they’ve known me for over 10 years and they were like second parents to me. I just didn’t know if they would like that I was Carson’s girlfriend. I’m sure Tazmin would be thrilled thinking that I would be her sister but I was still worried about his parents.

My internal ranting was cut off when we were next to Carson’s truck in the parking lot and he pulled me to a stop. He put both of his hands on my waist and turned me around to look at him. “Are you sure you’re okay Lex?” he asked.

I smiled nervously and hugged him for a couple of seconds before pulling back in his arms. “I’m just nervous, what if your parents don’t want us to be together and then they get mad at me or something and…” I rambled on, only being stopped when Carson planted his lips on mine.

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