Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 10

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 Chapter 10

(Jaxon’s POV)

I had set an alarm the night before to wake me up at a quarter to 10. Today I was headed to Cassidy’s house to help with painting her families new house. She is the only friend I have that is a girl and I wanted to make a good impression on her family. I know that they sort of already met me at the paint store, but I want to be friends with her for a long time; she’s just really chill around me and is fine just laughing and joking around. Most girls I know only want one thing – and that’s sex. However, I know that Cassidy isn’t like that, and that’s what I like about her.

When my alarm clock went off, I quickly got out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a loose grey tank top and headed downstairs.

I directed myself into the kitchen and got to work. Last night I had an idea; I was going to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies. I had baked a couple things before but nobody knows that about me, not even Lexi.

I was mixing all the ingredients in a bowl when Lexi came downstairs. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked in a calm voice while leaning on the island.

I stopped mixing and looked up at my sister. “I am going over to the Parr’s in an hour and I am bringing homemade chocolate chip cookies. The only problem with that is I actually have to make them, but they aren’t actually that hard to make. All I have to do now is put the cookies on the tray and put them in the oven.”

I quickly returned my focus back to the cookies and popped a tray of 24 into the oven for 10 minutes. The timer went off in no time and I took the tray out of the oven and placed it on it a cooling rack. Lexi startled me when she clapped me on the back. “They actually look really good Jaxon, who knew you could bake?” she stated.

“Not me, but it wasn’t that hard” I replied shaking my head pretending that this was the first time I had ever baked.

“Can I try one?” she asked reaching out to the pan of cookies I had just baked.

“Yea sure, and while you do that, I have to take a shower and get ready so after 10 minutes could you take the cookies off the pan and put them on a plate then cover it with saran wrap so they stay warm?” I asked while backing out of the kitchen.

“Sure” she answered while I bolted up the stairs to take a quick shower.

I quickly took a warm shower and brushed my teeth. I ran my hand through my hair a couple times until it looked somewhat okay and went back to my bedroom to get dressed. I changed into a pair of old jeans that still looked good, a white tank top and an old green checkered shirt. I threw on my outfit and grabbed my pair of black converse, heading down to the kitchen.

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