Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The next morning I was awoken bright and early by none other than my brother. I don’t know what he was doing but whatever it was, he was doing a pretty good job of making as much noise as possible.

When I got out of bed to check it out, I got downstairs to see a completely terrifying sight; Jaxon, my brother, was baking.

“What the hell are you doing?” I calmly asked him, surveying the room for damages before leaning my elbows on the island in the kitchen.

Jaxon looked up from his mixing bowl to see me before putting his attention back to his baking. “I am going over to the Parr’s in an hour and I am bringing homemade chocolate chip cookies. The only problem with that is I actually have to make them, but they aren’t actually that hard to make. All I have to do now is put the cookies on the tray and put them in the oven.”

I nodded at my brother despite the fact that he wasn’t focusing on me and scurried around the kitchen to make my own breakfast – which consisted of two blueberry waffles and a glass of chocolate milk. When I was done my breakfast, my brother had finished his baking and his cookies were on a pan cooling off.

I walked up to him and clapped him on the back. “They actually look really good Jaxon, who knew you could bake?”

“Not me, but it wasn’t that hard” he replied shaking his head.

“Can I try one?” I asked reaching my hand out to the pan of scrumptious cookies in front me.

“Yea sure, and while you do that, I have to take a shower and get ready so after 10 minutes could you take the cookies off the pan and put them on a plate then cover it with saran wrap so they stay warm?” he asked me while backing out of the kitchen.

“Sure” I nodded at him before he bolted it upstairs to get ready.

After ten minutes, I put Jaxon’s cookies on a rather large plate and covered them with saran wrap like he told me too. I waited in the kitchen for Jaxon to come down and fifteen minutes later he entered the kitchen showered and ready to go. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans, black converse, a white undershirt and a checkered dark green shirt. “You look nice, but you do know that you’re painting a house right?” I nodded towards him.

“Yes, I know that Lex. These are an old pair of jeans that I haven’t worn for a while and this shirt is a little old so I don’t care if it gets ruined” he replied. Jaxon quickly grabbed his plate of cookies, his cellphone and his car keys and left without another word.

I shook my head and looked at the time. 10:47am. I jumped out of my chair and ran upstairs to jump in the shower.

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