Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

In the middle of a relaxing dream I started hearing voices, “Lexi, Lexi, come on baby…” and I also felt someone shaking me awake.

“It’s time to wake up Lex, we’re here.” I heard while slowly drifting into consciousness.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a pair of blazing green eyes and a hand swiping the hair away from my face. I yawned, and then smiled up at my boyfriend.

“Come on pretty boy, we have to get a room with a view.” I told him while sitting up in my seat and slightly pushing Carson out of the car.

Carson shook his head chuckling lightly while getting out of the car before turning around and helping me out of the car as well.

“And who said we were sharing a room?” Carson asked raising his eyebrows and smirking down at me.

I froze for a second, sure we had cuddled a lot and made out but we hadn’t actually slept in the same bed together before and without realizing it I had just suggested that very thing. However, when I thought about it, I didn’t really mind. I mean, we were just sleeping and cuddling – nothing else, so I didn’t really care if we shared a bed for the weekend.

“Well do you want to?” I asked him, smiling shyly.

He just rolled his eyes. “Of course silly, I just didn’t want to pressure you  and think I’m trying to take advantage of you or anything.” he said as he shrugged and went to the back of the car where Jaxon was and took out both his and my duffle bags.

When he walked back to me with the bags in one hand, he took my hand in the other and led us in the direction of the house.

“I know you won’t take advantage of me because, first of all, we’ve known each other a long time and I trust you, and second of all, my brother would kick your ass if you hurt me.” I replied smirking up at him.

He just laughed slightly. “Too right Cutie.” he said and pulled me closer to his side.

When I looked at the house in front of me, I stopped for a second and stared…. it was absolutely gorgeous. It was two stories high, there was a deck around the first level of the house and some rooms on the top floor had their own balconies and we were right on our own section of beach. The beach house was painted a light brown colour while the shingles on the roof were painted a sky blue and it looked amazing. What got me thinking though was why Zach would have booked us such a nice house; I guess I’d have to ask him about that.

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