Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

After school was out, I was at my locker making sure I had everything I needed for my homework. As I was about to close my locker, somebody slammed it shut for me. When I looked up, I saw Carson leaning casually up against my locker.

“I thought we were meeting in front of your car?” I asked while readjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder and looking at him questioningly.

He shrugged and threw an arm over my shoulder, which I let fall to his side. “I was walking this way and knew you wouldn’t be at my car yet because you are just so slow…”

“Hey!” I interrupted and hit him on the arm.

He chuckled. “Anyways, I knew you wouldn’t be there yet, so I just stopped by your locker to pick you up. It wasn’t a big deal”

“Whatever, so when we get to your house do you think you can cook something first? I am really hungry and I don’t think I can help you look for your mother’s blackmail on an empty stomach” I asked convincingly. I actually just wanted him to cook something because he was an amazing cook – better than me.

“Oh? So now I’m an awesome cook am I?” he asked smirking slightly.

“You’re just fishing for compliments that you aren’t about to catch bucko” I replied.

“Always” he said with a wink my way as I rolled my eyes. “But yeah, I’ll cook us something before we start searching the house, but we have to be done by 5 because my mom will be back and she can’t know that I either found and deleted the pictures or that I was looking for them”

“Okay, and how long will it take anyways?” I asked.

“Oh, you’d be surprised” he said once we reached the front of the school and headed towards the parking lot.

We both got into Carson’s truck and headed home.


Carson unlocked the front door heading in before me and kicking off his shoes at the door, before heading towards the kitchen and I followed him. I threw my bag down beside a stool before climbing up and relaxing my head onto the countertop.

“What would like to eat my lady?” Carson asked in a medieval accent and an eyebrow raised.

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