Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

The next two weeks passed quickly. Carson and I hung out together a lot but I still made time for my two best friends.

The day that we had told our parents that we were together, Carson and I had actually gone back to my house after dinner to relax in the living room and finish a bit of homework. When Jaxon came home that night, my mom caught him first thing to ask him about why he never mentioned any girlfriend.



Carson and I were sitting on the couch finishing a bit of homework when Jaxon walked through the door. Before he could even say ‘hello’, my mom came skipping into the living room to question Jaxon about where he had been.


“And where were you?” my mom asked him.


Jaxon’s posture stiffened slightly when he looked towards mom. “Just out with the guys.” he replied


My mom raised an eyebrow. “Oh really, not out with a secret girlfriend or anything?” she asked smirking and crossing her arms across her chest.


Jaxon’s eyes bulged slightly and his head whipped towards Carson and I, who were watching silently from the couch trying not to laugh. “What did you guys tell her?” Jaxon asked.

“Oh nothing…” Carson answered, “just that you are currently in a relationship with a really sweet girl and you seem to really like her.”

That was the moment when my giggles escaped and I started laughing and so did Carson, however, when Jaxon scowled at both of us we tried, unsuccessfully might I add, to cover our laughs with a fake cough.

Jaxon dropped his scowl and turned to our mom sighing. “Fine,” he mumbled, “I was out with my girlfriend.”

A huge smile broke out on my mom’s face as she went up to Jaxon and hugged him. “That’s really great Jaxon. Like I told Lexi, I’m happy that you’re happy. Now… when do I get to meet said mystery girlfriend?” she asked.

Jaxon smiled shaking his head back and forth. “I’ll ask her to come over sometime this week so you can meet her… oh, and by the way, her name’s Cassidy.”


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