Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 33

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Chapter 33



His shoulders relaxed a great amount. “So you guys are going to help me?”


Carson and I looked at each other before looking back at Zach. “Absolutely.”


After I finished talking with Zach this morning, I had gone upstairs to tell Kylie, and let’s just say she was a little excited. When I finally got her to calm down a bit I asked her what we could do after lunch to keep Alenna busy for a couple of hours and away from the house. Then Zayn walked in and told us that Alenna was complaining at home how she didn’t have enough clothes, which worked perfectly in our favour.

Before lunch, Kylie and I offered to take Alenna out shopping because we all needed a little “girl time”. She bought the story hook, line, and sinker.

That is why the three of us are currently in the car heading towards town to do some shopping.

“So how are your love lives turning out since the last time I spoke to you guys?” Alenna asked both me and Kylie, who were currently situated in the back seat.

I shrugged but the massive smile on my face gave away my true feelings. “Carson is really sweet, so I am loving the relationship right now.” I replied

I saw Alenna raise one of her eyebrows when she looked at me through the front mirror. “You sure that’s it.”

I bit my lip, wondering if I should tell them my true feelings. “If I tell you guys something, you have to promise that it doesn’t leave this vehicle.” I demanded and they both nodded. I took a big breath. “Well, I guess I just never noticed the little things that makes Carson really special, and to be completely honest, last night I realized that I might be falling in love with him.” I said in a quiet voice, looking down at my hands nervously.

When I looked back at my best two girlfriends, they both had smiles on their faces. “That’s really great Lex, I’m so happy for you.” Kylie said, giving me a comforting hug.

“Yea, keep that guy close, he could be really be a keeper.” Alenna said. Then her eyes focused on Kylie. “Well, well, well miss quiet pants, anything you want to share?”

Kylie’s face turned beat red and I automatically knew something had happened between her and Zayn.

“Oh my god Kylie! You’re turning into a tomato right now, what did you not tell me?” I said, practically screeching in my best friends ear.

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