Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I had been drawing for quite a while, so when I finished, I wasn’t surprised when I looked at the time and it had showed that an hour had already gone by.

I looked down at my drawing that I had just completed and saw that I had drawn a girl and a guy on a mountain top looking down to the valley below. It showed the city below in a blur with the sunset in full clarity. It also showed only the girl and the boy cuddling on the mountain top in colour while everything else was done in black and white showing that love is the most important thing in the world. I had done a lot of romance drawings in the past but I think this one was one of my favourites.

I was admiring my drawing when a knock on my door shook me out of my trance and I quickly closed and hid my sketchbook in my desk drawer along with my drawing pencils.

“Come in!” I said while shutting my desk drawer and spinning my desk chair to face the door.

I was surprised to see Carson opening the door and silently asking me if it was alright if he came into my room, since he hardly ever comes up to my room to see me. I nodded and said “What do you want?”, my voice sounding sceptical.

“Well I needed to use the bathroom and I was heading back downstairs when I thought that I should pay my favourite girl a visit” Carson said with a slight smirk on his face.

“Thanks Carson, but I really don’t care if I see you or not. I get enough of your ugly face at school and every other second you are at our house – I think I am officially sick of seeing you” I replied with heavy sarcasm.

“Nobody could ever get tired of this” he stated while moving his hands around his face.

“Sorry, but I think I am” I replied shaking my head. “Is there something that you actually needed or do you just love annoying me?”

“Well, I was wondering what you were doing in here all alone? Why not come downstairs and join me and Jax in a heated game of Call of Duty?”

“You know I love to hang out you guys…….” I answered in a completely obvious sarcastic tone, “but, I have better things to do” I continued before turning my desk chair around in a full circle and waving my hand towards the door.

“Oh yeah?” he replied in a questioning tone. “What are you doing then that is so important?” he said raising one of his eyebrows. “Because, to me, it looks like you are a little lonely and bored all alone in this room”

“Um…. I….. you know, I was ….. um” I stuttered, trying to come up with something reasonable to answer his question with, but he cut in before I could actually think of something.

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