Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

My classes that morning were pretty rough. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t the work that was hard… it was the damn girls that were continuously glaring at me through all three periods. I was just thankful that I had Zayn in all my classes and Kylie in some so I had some support with my relationship. I knew that a lot of girls wouldn’t like that Carson was attached but I really liked him, and he seemed to feel the same way about me so I could care what all the jealous girls though about us. I was happy.

I am happy for Cassidy though and I have a feeling that she might not be getting a lot of glares, the reason being that Jaxon is in most of her classes as they are both seniors. I am glad my brother found a respectable girl for himself though and I can really see them lasting a while.

When the bell for lunch rang I was more than relieved to get changed out of my gym uniform and get away from the girls. Kylie had went ahead because she had to print something off quickly for a class she had this afternoon, so I threw my gym uniform in my gym locker and left the change rooms.

What I didn’t expect was to see Carson leaning on the wall outside the entrance to the change rooms with a content smile on his face. I felt a small smile spread across my face and walked up to him raising my eyebrow.

“What are you doing here?” I asked happily, giving him a quick hug before pulling back.

He grabbed my hand. “Can’t I come and meet my girlfriend to walk her to lunch?” he asked teasingly.

My smile grew slightly at his words… girlfriend. I really liked the sound of that.

We walked together to the cafeteria holding hands and strolling in a comfortable silence.

When the cafeteria doors opened and we walked towards the line, I felt a great majority of the student body staring at us.

I shrank back into Carson slightly and his arm went up to wrap around my shoulder. “People are staring.” I murmured into his side as we moved up the lunch line.

I felt him kiss the top of my head gently so I looked up to find him looking down at me. “Don’t worry about it Cutie. You should know that I like you a lot more than any of the jealous chicks around here so ignore them and focus on the best thing around here… me.” he finished with a smirk.

I pulled away grinning and slapped his chest. “Pig-headed boy.” I muttered as I got to the café and placed a bunch of things on my tray; a slice of meat pizza, a small fry, a medium lemonade, a peach and a cup of blue-raspberry jello.

What can I say… I like food okay.

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