Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I listened to the music on my I-phone for the remaining half hour of Jaxon’s practice.

When the coach finally blew the whistle to call the team in they huddled for a minute or so then broke off to head to the change room – everybody except Carson ad Jaxon - they came running over to me. Carson got to me first, and before I could protest, he wrapped his sweat covered arms around my and swung me in the air.

“CARSON! Put me …*ha ha* down this *ha ha* … instant!” I tried to say while laughing hysterically at the same time. He finally put me down but I was insanely dizzy. Once my vision came back to normal, I glared at Carson and said “Now look what you did! I probably stink because of you… could you not shower before coming and bugging me?”

Jaxon came up behind Carson and slapped him on the back. “Now now Lexi, you know that we love bugging you, but Carson here seems to enjoy it a lot more than me” he said and winking at me before heading back to the locker rooms.

I turned to Carson “See? Why don’t you follow Jax over there and go get cleaned up because truthfully, you stink” I said while scrunching up my nose pretending to be appalled by the smell radiating off his body

He turned to me and I saw the mischievous glint in his eyes. I started to back up because I realized what he was thinking but I was too slow. Carson threw his sweaty left arm over my shoulder and brought my head into his chest in a one armed hug. “Oh you know you love me dirty” he said winking at me like the man whore he is.

“Perv” I replied pushing off his stomach and detaching his arm from my shoulder. I backed away from him so he couldn’t get me any dirtier. “And for the record, I don’t love you in any way, shape or form. Now go change so we can get home” I said waving my hand towards the locker rooms and turning away to walk out of the gym.

Carson must have listened to me because as I walked out of the gym, I didn’t hear any footsteps following me.

I headed towards the front doors of the school and across the parking lot to wait on the hood of my brother’s car. Since I knew they would be a little while, I put my headphones in to drown out the surrounding noise, laid down so my back was against the windshield and closed my eyes.

After four songs passed, somebody poked me in the stomach. My eyes shot open and I screamed. My screams stopped when I saw Jaxon and Carson bent over laughing at me. “Ha. Ha. Very funny guys. What took you guys so long?” I asked, crossing my arms and jumping off the hood of the car to smack them each upside the head. They slowly stopped laughing at me and stood up straighter.

“Well…” Carson started. “I was ready to leave five minutes ago, but this loser over here” he said jerking his thumb towards Jaxon before continuing “had to go back to his locker on the other side of the school to pick up his history textbook he forgot”

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