Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

It is now the middle of November, the sun is still shining but the temperature has dropped significantly and we’ve had a couple of light snowfalls so far this year. Also, with it being the middle of November, it also means that Carson and I have officially been together for about a month and a half.

On the Saturday of our one month anniversary Carson took me to the sliding hill at the neighbourhood park in the afternoon to go sledding. He also brought his delicious homemade hot chocolate to warm me up. For dinner that night I was only expecting a home cooked meal or something small but he surprised me again by bringing me to a fancy and romantic restaurant downtown. It was so sweet of him and the whole night he was the best boyfriend I could ask for, including when he gave me a necklace with a ‘C’ charm on it.

Also, in case you’re wondering, I haven’t told Carson I’m in love with him yet. I’m just scared that if I tell him he won’t reciprocate my feelings or that he’ll be afraid of commitment and break up with me. If either of those happened, I’d be heartbroken and not know what to do, so I settled for not telling him.

However, there is one problem with keeping it a secret; it’s getting a bit hard to keep the secret. Every time that Carson does something sweet or kisses me I feel like telling him that I love him. That is why I’m getting together with Kylie and Alenna today at a bakery downtown to talk with them about it. I mean, they both have boyfriend, or in Alenna’s case a fiancé, that they’re in love with and I need some love advice.

“I’m going out!” I yelled through my house for the benefit of whoever was home before grabbing my grey pea coat and heading out the door.

Alenna was picking me up today since I didn’t want to hitch a ride from Carson or Jaxon. She pulled up in my driveway and I hopped in the back since Kylie was currently occupying the passenger seat.

As we made our way to the bakery we made slight small talk. “So, how did your parents react when you told them you were engaged?” I asked Alenna.

She turned around at a red light for a second smiling at me. “Well, my dad already knew that Zach was planning to propose because Zach asked for his permission but they kept it a secret from my mom. When she found out I was engaged she went ballistic and was really excited and happy for me. Both my parents love Zach and they are just really happy for us.” she answered.

“That’s really great, you have any plans for the wedding yet?” Kylie asked, leaning back in her seat.

“Not really,” Alenna replied, “I mean, we know that we want a summer wedding so it’s going to be next summer, but other than that there’s not anything else we talked about much.”

Both me and Kylie nodded, accepting her reply while Alenna bumped up the volume of the radio when a Justin Bieber song came on and we were pretty much silent for the remainder of the ride.

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