Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

My mom came home on Sunday, around 7pm, from her business seminar in New York and was surprised when we told her that we hadn’t thrown a party on Friday night. Usually, we would jump at the chance to have a party when our mom is out of town, but when we told her that the five of us just went out downtown.

Now, it’s Monday morning and I just walked into the kitchen, dressed and ready, to see my mom eating breakfast in her pajamas.

“Do you not have to work today?” I asked her as I put my bag down near the door and headed to the fridge to get a yogurt cup for breakfast.

She shook her head. “Since our trip was extended a couple days and we only got in last night, everybody who attended the seminar in New York gets the next two days off, so if you want, I could drive you to school so you don’t have to go with Jaxon and Carson” she replied.

“That’s okay, I don’t have a problem riding with them” I answered and sat down on one of the stools beside the counter before opening my peach yogurt and taking a huge spoonful into my mouth.

“Really?” my mom asked sceptically, raising an eyebrow as she did so.

I nodded while swallowing my food. “Really” I said, taking another spoonful of yogurt.

“Okay, I’ll bite, what’s going on that I don’t know about” she asked.

“Nothing, I don’t know what you’re talking about” I replied, trying to keep the blush that was threatening to appear on my cheeks down.

She raised an eyebrow. “You sure about that sweetie, because last year you would complain about having to drive into school with them two, and now you don’t seem bothered at all.”

“I might’ve been wrong about them” I shrugged, finishing off my yogurt and throwing it into the trash.

“Really?” she asked again.

I sighed. “Just say what you really want to say before Jaxon comes downstairs or Carson walks in” I  said putting my elbows on the table and resting my head in my hands.

“Did something happen recently between you and Carson that I am not aware of?” she asked strictly raising an eyebrow while also having an amused smile on her face.

“No” I sighed, “well, not really.”

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