Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

The rest of the beach trip was eventful. The night that Zach proposed was spent in celebration and congratulations while the rest of the trip was slightly toned down. On Sunday, Carson and I had some alone time and we went out for lunch before returning to the beach house and lazing around the beach the rest of the day with our friends.

When the trip was over and done with, everybody was happy and the mood was light and fun. We all drove home Monday afternoon, successfully skipping another day of school.

The week after the beach house passed quickly and before I knew it, it was Saturday… Halloween.

I know what you’re thinking, why would we care about such a childish holiday? Well, for one thing, Carson and I were going trick or treating for an hour or so after supper tonight, and secondly, after getting all the candy we could imagine, we were going to a party at one of Carson’s friend’s house. Everybody was invited and since Carson agreed that he wouldn’t drink, I decided to go with him. Hell, I hadn’t been to a party since school started and I wanted to dance and show off my man.

Kylie and I had gone shopping for costumes on Thursday of this week and I had a really tough time finding a costume that I liked. One that wasn’t too reserved, but not too slutty at the same time. After about an hour of Kylie throwing costumes at me, anything from a house bunny to an Easter bunny, I finally found a suitable costume - a cute ladybug.

Said costume was currently hanging up in my room while I was currently at the dinner table surrounded by my brother and my mom.

“So what are your plans for the night kids?” my mom asked us.

Jaxon swallowed the food he was eating before answering. “Well, I’m going to Cassidy’s soon and we’re taking her little brother out trick or treating around that area. Then maybe if there’s time, we’ll head to the party at Shane’s but I doubt it. We’ll probably end up sorting out candy with Elliot.”

I smiled at my brother’s answer. Him and Cassidy really were the perfect couple. They were adorable together and I knew that Jaxon getting along with her little brother meant a lot to her.

“Well that’s sweet. I hope you two are still going strong.” my mom stated.

He nodded with a slight blush on his face. “Yeah ma, she’s great.”

My mother chuckled at Jaxon’s flustered form before turning to me. “What about you honey, what are you and Carson up to tonight?”

“He’s going to be here in about half an hour so we can go trick or treating, then around eight or nine we’re heading over to the Halloween party at Shane’s. I’ll probably be home around midnight.” I replied with a smile on my face, finishing the last over my dinner.

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