Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My morning classes were alright for the first day, basically me, Zayn and Kylie just multitasked in every class between listening to the teacher about what each course would be like for the year and talking quietly amongst ourselves.

Finally, the bell for Lunch rang while me and Kylie were exiting the locker rooms to wait for Zayn. He was already waiting outside leaning on the wall opposite the girls change room. “Now that you two are here we can go to lunch, because I am starving and I need food ASAP” he told us while walking ahead to the cafeteria while Kylie and I quickly caught up to him.

“Wow pig, you must really be hungry” Kylie replied sarcastically as we approached the cafeteria.

“Hey, I’m a guy and I need food constantly. I also know that you two like to pig out constantly so I bet you guys can’t wait to eat either” Zayn said as we each picked up a tray and placed a variety of food on them.

Once we paid for our food, we headed to our regular cafeteria table near the back of the cafeteria. As I sat on one side of the table, while Zayn and Kylie sat on the other, I heard a commotion right outside the cafeteria so I knew that Jaxon and Carson, along with all the populars, were about to enter the cafeteria. While other people in the cafeteria stopped to stare at the cheerleaders and jocks as they entered the cafeteria, me and my friends just continued eating and chatting like normal – they couldn’t do anything even if they tried since I was Jaxon’s beloved little sister.

A couple minutes later, Kylie and I were discussing her trip to Europe over the majority of August when suddenly she stopped talking for a second and spoke again. “Lex, Sex God 1 and 2 are heading this way” she said while nodding towards the other side of the cafeteria.

As I turned around I released that Carson and Jaxon had just abandoned their friends and were indeed heading over here. I turned back around to face Zayn and Kylie and replied, “First of all, EEW one of those is my brother and he is in no way hot. Second of all, yes, I know that Carson is insanely gorgeous but that doesn’t make him any less of a jerk. Lastly, they are only coming over here to annoy the hell out of me and you because they know that we can’t stand them”

“Hey now, I know they’re jerks, and I know they annoy the hell out of both of us, but for some reason, this idiot…” she paused while jerking her thumb in the direction of Zayn, “likes to gang up with them and seems to like having them torture us”

“I resent that” said Zayn. “I just simply like to watch you two get annoyed out of your minds because it is funny to watch your reactions to whatever those two do” pointing to Carson and Jaxon who were about a table away.

As they approached, Jaxon went around the other side of the table and sat next to Kylie throwing his arm around her while Carson sat next to me doing the exact same thing – except he had the nerve to steal a fry from my lunch tray.

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