Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

This chapter is written in Carson’s POV so don’t get confused while reading it


(Carson’s POV)

Yesterday was one of the best days I’ve had in a while. Lexi actually kissed me and I know for a fact that she’d given me her first. It actually meant a lot to me that she would do that because I know she had never been interested in any other guy before. When I was telling her how I felt about her I just couldn’t stop; she’s one of the best girls I’ve come across and I’m glad she feels the same way.

During school today I managed to catch her for a minute when nobody was around to talk to her about Jaxon.



I grabbed Lexi’s hand while walking by her between 4th and 5th period and dragged her around the corner to the back of a trophy case.

“What are you doing?” Lexi asked whispering while having a confused look on her face.

I didn’t let go of her hand while answering and I noticed that she didn’t seem to mind.

“I needed to talk to you about Jaxon” I replied.


Her face relaxed slightly while answering, “Oh, okay… wait, what do you mean?”


“Well, since Jaxon isn’t working tonight I wanted to talk to him tonight but I want you to be out of the house for this.” I said to her.


Her head tilted sideways slightly. “Why can’t I be there?”


“I just don’t want you to hear us or get involved. He might start yelling – which I don’t want you to hear, and I also don’t want you to hear what I have to say to him, you already heard enough lovey dovey stuff yesterday from me.” I finished with a smirk when I noticed that she was blushing slightly.

“Oh…” she said, “well then I’ll just go out shopping with my mom or something.”


I nodded before looking at her. “Can I kiss you?” I asked quietly and the slight blush on her cheeks tripled in colour.

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