Heart Shaped Love - Epilogue

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“I do”

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sir, you may now kiss your bride.”

I clapped along with the rest of the bridesmaids and guests as Zach and Alenna shared their first kiss as a married couple.

It was already the middle of July and we were currently at the beach in Florida where Zach and Alenna decided to tie the knot. Since they got engaged on a beach, they thought that it would be suiting for them to get married on the beach.

As they kissed I looked to see Carson in the third row of the guests and saw that he was staring at me. I smiled back at him with love.

Carson and Jaxon, along with Cassidy, who by the way is still happily in love with my brother, all graduated from Westview at the end of June. Leading up to graduation I was harbouring a fear the Carson would choose a university that was in another state and we would grow apart. However, at the end of May, Carson and Jaxon both accepted a basketball scholarship to the state university which was only a twenty minute drive out of the city. They would both be living from home and I couldn’t be happier.

When I focused my attention back on the happy couple, I admired Alenna’s dress. Instead of the ball gown dress, she chose to wear a slim fitting and flowery strapless dress that came to just above her ankles so you could see her gorgeous silver stoned flats. I know that some people may think that it sounds like a really plain wedding outfit but if you actually saw Alenna wear this, you would forget your train of thought because she looked absolutely gorgeous.

When the happy couple pulled apart and faced the standing crowd of friends and family that gathered here today on the beach, everybody cheered and seemed totally happy for Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez.

After Alenna and Zach started to walk down the white carpet laid down on the sand acting as an aisle, me and Kylie followed them because we were acting as co- maids of honour.

A little while after the ceremony had finished, the wedding photographer had gotten the wedding party together to start to take pictures. He took pictures of Zach and Alenna alone, the whole wedding party, the girls, the guys, Zach and Alenna with their immediate family and then they requested that we all get a picture alone with our dates.

I walked over to where Carson was chatting with Jaxon and Cassidy and gave him a quick kiss. “Hey sexy, they want us to take a picture with our dates.” I told him, wrapping my arm around his waist.

He smiled down at me and nodded walking over to where Zayn and Kylie were currently taking a cute kiss picture. Today Carson looked good enough to eat. Since it was a beach wedding he was wearing khaki pants with a white long sleeve dress shirt and a sleek black tie wrapped loosely around his neck. If we were anywhere near a bedroom right now, he would be in for a good time.

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