Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

After a long 6 hours of class, we were finally free!

Zayn and I walked out of French class after the bell rang with about 2 hours’ worth of homework in most of our classes. We had write a short poem about any topic of our choice for English, a page of math problems to solve, a lab report to start for chemistry and we had to change a page from our favourite book into French. So far the day had been tiring and I couldn’t wait to get home and take a nap.

Then I remembered that I wouldn’t actually be going home until tonight so I knew I would be up all night doing homework. “Ugh” I said while me and Zayn were walking towards my locker where we were to meet Kylie after school from now on since she wasn’t in our French class – she had history.

“When did you turn into a caveman?” Zayn questioned as we arrived at our lockers.

I turned my lock, 37-5-13, and opened my locker to collect all the books I needed for home. “I didn’t” I said as I shut my locker door after fixing my hair and turned to glare at Zayn. “I just realized that I will not be going home until probably eight ‘o’clock tonight because my brother is working and I am going over to Carson’s house and all I really want to do is go home and climb between my bed sheets to take a nap”

Zayn shook his head with silent laughter. “I’m not going home right away either Lex. Remember, I’m going out for ice cream with Kylie and then we’ll probably just head to my house to do our homework before supper so stop complaining and get to it; Carson and Jax are probably waiting for you”

I did what any normal five year old would do and stuck my tongue out at him. “Yea yea. I’ll leave as soon as I say goodbye to Kylie” I said looking up and down the hallway. “Man, where is that girl I call my best friend?”

After a couple seconds, Zayn spoke up and said “There she is”, pointing towards the end of the hallway where I saw a girl who was indeed my best friend, running at full speed towards us.

When she approached us and slowed down, she said “Hey guys, sorry I’m running late. I had to run to my locker really quick after history – which got out late… god I hate that teacher.”

*ha* *ha*. I started chuckling at my best friend before saying, “Sorry Kylie, I have to jet before my brother and Carson come here and haul me out of school. Have fun at the ice cream shop”. I hugged my two best friends before sprinting towards the front entrance to Westview High which headed towards the parking lot.

When I got to the parking lot, I quickly spotted Carson’s truck at the edge of the parking lot and quickly walked over there.

“Where have you been? Actually never mind, we gotta go. My shift starts in 10 minutes and it’s a ten minute drive to the paint store. Get in” Jaxon said in a hurry before quickly jumping into the passenger seat of the truck and slamming the door shut.

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