Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I was currently in gym class and I was bored out of my mind. I could play sports – just not very well, so while the guys were playing basketball, Kylie and I were watching, along with most of the other girls in my class, from the bleachers. There was only ten minutes left of class before lunch and I was a bundle of nerves.

Carson and Jaxon always came to sit with us for a while during lunch; sometimes they even stayed for the whole time, and I had no idea what it would be like with Carson and the ‘almost kiss’ we had yesterday.

Also, I had never actually liked a guy before, and I knew that I had developing feelings for Carson. I was completely clueless on how to act around him. Alenna had told me to act like myself and that’s what I was planning on doing. I didn’t need Carson knowing about my crush, and I certainly didn’t want Jaxon to know something was up – that would just be plain awkward.

“Hey, stop worrying” Kylie said, knocking me out of my trance by shaking me slightly.

I shook my head trying to clear my brain. “Sorry, it’s just… I’m dreading lunch. What if I can’t act normal around him and he realizes that something’s up?” I asked a bit worriedly.

Kylie placed a comforting hand on my shoulder before she spoke; “Don’t stress about it okay. You can act normally around him, I’m sure of it. You have been getting closer with him this year and he hasn’t said anything so he obviously doesn’t mind hanging around you, but as well as getting closer, you’ve been acting the exact same as you’ve always been. Just because you have a teeny crush on him now, it’s not going to change the way you act around him unless you stress about it. So don’t stress and you’ll be fine”

“Wow” I said. I knocked my shoulder against hers jokingly. “When did you get so wise Miss Kylie?” I asked in a fake British accent.

“Oh you know” she said waving her hand dismissively before continuing. “I went to England overnight and had dinner with the queen. She gave me some helpful advice, telling me to speak with Prince Harry. I went to talk to him and found him in his chambers, and he told me to become more helpful in my daily life and I realized I should start giving my best friend advice. Then once we were done we had life altering sex and he gave me his number which I lost on the plane back over here this morning” she said jokingly in a horrible British accent.

“Sure you did” I said rolling my eyes, “but thanks”.

“No probs” she replied, and the bell rang for lunch so we headed for the change rooms, than waited for Zayn so we could go and eat.

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