Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

(Lexi’s POV)

It had been two weeks…. two weeks since Carson was supposed to talk to Jaxon, and I have no idea if that even happened!

Ever since that kiss behind the trophy case nothing has happened between me and Carson. We still hang out and all, but we’re never alone, it’s always a group so we’ve never really had the chance to talk about anything. I don’t know why Carson hasn’t brought it up, but I know that I’m too shy to bring anything about us possibly dating up in a conversation.

Today has been going by incredibly slow. My first two periods we did nothing but take notes and do homework, so that was incredibly boring, and then in phys. ed, our teacher was absent so we just sat around on the bleachers for 45 minutes doing absolutely nothing. 

It’s finally lunch and I am starving. Zayn met up with Kylie a couple of minutes ago and they went to lunch by themselves while I had to put some things into my locker. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset – I think it’s cute that they have a good relationship, and I know that there will be times when they want to be alone and I totally support that.

I closed my locker door, swinging my bag over my shoulder and head towards the cafeteria. I really hope that they are serving pizza as the special today because I am starving and short on cash.

When I open the door to the cafeteria, I see that the special is chicken noodle soup and my stomach grumbles. I am not a fan of chicken noodle soup since Jaxon threw a bowl of it on me in fourth grade.

I get in line, checking how much money I have to find out I only have $3.00. Well, that can buy me a thing of fries and a carton of juice. It’s my turn to order so I tell the lunch lady to give me a small fry and an orange juice.

Once my meal is done, I feel a nudge in my side. I looked over to see Carson staring at me questioningly.

“What’s with the small lunch Cutie?” he asked, making me blush at the nickname he’s given me.

I shrugged. “I don’t have enough money for the kind of food I’d like to buy.”

He shakes his head slightly and orders his own meal. “Can I have three slices of pepperoni pizza and a cup of yogurt, along with a medium poutine, a coke, and a cheese burger.”

I raise my eyebrows at him as I move down the line towards the cash. “You sure have a big appetite.” I said teasingly.

A smile appears on his face and he looks at me from the corner of his eye. “Lex, the pizza and the yogurts for you.” he said, thinking that it was the most obvious thing ever.

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