Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

(Lexi’s POV)

The rest of the week past in a blur; my classes were boring, I had a bunch of homework, and I had to stay after school Wednesday and Thursday because I got a detention in chemistry with Zayn on Wednesday for mixing together the wrong chemicals resulting in an explosion and on Thursday Carson and Jaxon had another basketball tryout.

Kylie called me Tuesday night after she got home from Zayn’s house. All she basically repeated was that she really liked him and she wished that he notice her long enough to see that she was staring him right in the face. I felt bad for Kylie because, here she was, majorly crushing on Zayn – and she didn’t have the nerve to tell him and be rejected.

There was something else bugging me. After Tuesday, Zayn has been acting a little weird. He hangs out with us and actually participates in conversations that me and Kylie have, trying to be noticed or something. I am actually starting to think that Zayn likes Kylie. If I could just find out for sure it would make this whole thing so much easier.

It is currently Friday afternoon and the final bell just rang. Surprisingly, Zayn, Kylie, Jaxon, Carson and I are going to see a movie. Right now I am sitting on the hood of my brothers BMW with Kylie playing tap tap revenge while waiting for the guys to show.

The game finishes and I stick my phone back in my shorts pocket. “So, what movie are we seeing?” I ask Kylie while crossing my legs underneath me.

“I don’t know. The guys are picking the movie, but I managed to make them promise not to pick a horror so I hope we go and see a comedy” she replied while leaning back on her hands and swinging her legs off the hood of the car.

“Yea, I am in the mood for a good laugh” I smile and reply.

“OFF THE CAR!” I hear from across the parking lot and look up. There I see Jaxon, Carson and Zayn walking towards us looking ready to leave.

Kylie and I jump off the hood of my brother’s car and head to the back seats. I strategically get in before Kylie – forcing her to have the middle seat. She glares at me because she knows that now she will be squished up beside Zayn the whole ride and I just smirk at her before putting on my seatbelt and looking out the window.

Once Zayn, Carson and Jaxon are in the car, my brother puts the key in the ignition and pulls out of the school parking lot heading towards the Cineplex.

“So, what is everybody doing this weekend?” Carson randomly asks after two minutes of driving.

Jaxon answers first. “Well, I’m going to Cassidy’s this tomorrow.”

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