Heart Shaped Love - Chapter 6

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Chapter  6


I grudgingly rolled over in my bed and slammed my hand down on my annoying alarm clock. When I opened my eyes, I squinted until the bright red numbers on my alarm clock came into view; 6:00am. “Uugghh” I grunted while rolling over in my bed and getting out.

I picked up a towel that was hanging on the back of my door and walked into my en-suite bathroom – locking the door behind me. I stripped down out of my clothes, turned the water onto quite a hot temperature and jumped in. The shower spray immediately woke me up, along with waking up all my muscles. I took a look at my various shampoos and conditioners and decided to use the coconut combination.

After a thorough lather, rinse, and repeat, I got out of the shower after 30 minutes and dried myself down with my towel. I wrapped my towel around my body and ventured into my room to pick my outfit for the day. I opened my closet and found a cute pair of ripped blue skinny jeans, a brown belt, a white camisole and a green and navy flannel shirt. I found a cute pair of dark green converse that matched the shirt so I quickly picked them up and put them on after getting dressed. After I dressed quickly, I used my towel to dry my hair quickly before returning to my bathroom to plug in my straightener and hair dryer.

After I finished drying and straightening my hair to perfection, I brushed my teeth and applied the little makeup that I usually wore; foundation, a bit of blush and some mascara. When I walked out of my bathroom a while later, I looked at my alarm clock again and saw that it was just about 7:30. ‘Just on time’ I thought.

I grabbed took my phone off of its charger, put it in my bag, grabbed my bag and headed downstairs for a quick breakfast.

When I got downstairs I wasn’t surprised to see my brother and Carson already down there pigging out on cereal and toast like wild animals. “Pigs” I murmured before heading to the cereal cabinet to grab the box of Froot Loops and pour myself a bowl.

When I sat down at the island with my cereal, I took a bite but suddenly realized that Jaxon and Carson were being quiet. I looked up to find them staring at me. “What?” I said after swallowing my spoonful of cereal.

Jaxon stared at my outfit and said “Is that what your wearing today?”

“Yeaa…… why?” I answered before putting another heaping spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

“Because Lexi, with your hair looking good and decent clothes , well, you look hot” Carson answered for Jaxon, who was glaring in his direction.

“Ummm…. thanks? But this is just what I normally wear, I just left my straightened hair down instead of putting it into a ponytail.”

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